Home → Gantry crane

Gantry crane banyak digunakan ketika pengangkatan diperlukan tanpa biaya bangunan atau pekerjaan baja pendukung. Derek gantry dapat ditempatkan di dalam atau di luar ruangan, digunakan untuk aktivitas di pekarangan stok baja, pekarangan segmen pra-cetak, lokasi konstruksi, dan aplikasi luar ruangan lainnya.

Dongqi Crane dapat menyediakan rangkaian lengkap derek gantry, yaitu derek gantry lengkap, derek semi-gantry, dan derek gantry portabel, termasuk gelagar tunggal, gelagar ganda, kaki tunggal, kaki ganda, dan gaya kantilever untuk layanan dalam atau luar ruangan. Kapasitas, bentang, ketinggian dapat disesuaikan.

Gantry cranes sold from China to South Africa

Data from China Customs shows that South Africa’s gantry cranes imported from China are worth US$167,000 in 2021, a sharp drop from US$5.542 million in 2020. To get a clearer picture of how South Af[…]

Gantry cranes sold from China to Argentina

Data from China Customs shows that in 2021 Argentina imported $151,000 worth of gantry cranes from China, a sharp drop from the $1.85 million imported in 2020. In order to better understand the crane […]

5 ton Single Girder Semi Gantry Crane for sale to Thailand

We installed 2 sets of 5 ton Single Girder Semi Gantry Crane in Thailand. The 5 ton gantry crane usually has a working load of A3-A4 and is often used in construction sites, warehouses, workshops, por[…]

Gantry cranes sold from China to Morocco

Data obtained from China Customs shows that Morocco imported gantry cranes worth US$6.455 million from China in 2021, compared with US$226,000 in 2020. In order to better understand Morocco’s ga[…]

15 ton European-spec Double Girder Gantry Crane For Sale To Australia

Image’s for visual aid to crane model only. Please refer to design drawing for quoted crane. We have a European-spec Double Girder Gantry Crane (model: MGO) installed in Australia, Our products hav[…]

Gantry cranes are sold from China to Egypt

Data from China Customs shows that Egypt will import $375,000 of gantry cranes from China in 2021, a substantial increase from $39,000 in 2020. Compared with the total import volume of cranes of 41.98[…]

Gantry cranes sold from China to UAE

Data from China Customs shows that in 2021, the UAE imported gantry cranes worth US$290,000 from China. Compared with the total import value of various types of cranes of US$58.06 million, the import […]

Gantry cranes are sold to Saudi Arabia from China

Data from China Customs shows that Saudi Arabia imported $652,000 worth of gantry cranes from China in 2021, down from $698,000 in 2020. Compared with the total import value of 36.147 million US dolla[…]

Gantry cranes sold from China to Norway

Data from China Customs shows that in 2021 Norway imported US$7.834 million of gantry crane products from China. In 2020 this number is 0. A closer inquiry revealed that Norway has one large-scale imp[…]

Gantry cranes are sold to Serbia

In 2021, Serbia imported USD 383,000 of gantry cranes from China, a decrease of USD 275,000 compared with 2020. But it is still much higher than the $0.3 million in 2019. On the whole, despite the sig[…]

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