Home → Gantry crane

Gantry crane banyak digunakan ketika pengangkatan diperlukan tanpa biaya bangunan atau pekerjaan baja pendukung. Derek gantry dapat ditempatkan di dalam atau di luar ruangan, digunakan untuk aktivitas di pekarangan stok baja, pekarangan segmen pra-cetak, lokasi konstruksi, dan aplikasi luar ruangan lainnya.

Dongqi Crane dapat menyediakan rangkaian lengkap derek gantry, yaitu derek gantry lengkap, derek semi-gantry, dan derek gantry portabel, termasuk gelagar tunggal, gelagar ganda, kaki tunggal, kaki ganda, dan gaya kantilever untuk layanan dalam atau luar ruangan. Kapasitas, bentang, ketinggian dapat disesuaikan.

Gantry cranes are sold to Mexico

Data from China Customs shows that Mexico’s gantry crane imports from China in 2021 are worth $179,000, which is insignificant compared to the total crane import value of $46.33 million. Despite thi[…]

Gantry cranes are sold to Japan

Data from China Customs shows that in 2021, Japan imported a total of US$133.963 million of various types of crane equipment from China, of which the import value of gantry cranes was US$804,000. It a[…]

Gantry cranes are sold to Hong Kong, China

According to the data from the Chinese customs, Hong Kong, China imported 112.81 million US dollars of various crane equipment from Chinese Mainland in 2021, including 10.5 million US dollars of gantr[…]

Derek gantry dijual ke Tü

Data from China Customs shows that in 2021, Türkiye imported various types of crane equipment from China worth US$66.23 million, of which the sales of gantry cranes were US$1.574 million. Chinese gan[…]

Gantry cranes are sold to Bangladesh

According to data from China Customs, Bangladesh imported US$63.24 million of various types of crane equipment from China in 2021, of which the import value of gantry cranes was US$2.726 million. As a[…]

Gantry cranes are sold to Malaysia

Data from China Customs shows that in 2021, Malaysia imported US$64.66 million of various types of crane equipment from China, of which the import value of gantry cranes was US$615,000. The gantry cra[…]

Gantry cranes are sold to Brazil

Data from China Customs shows that in 2021, Brazil imported various types of crane equipment from China with a value of 44.19 million US dollars, of which the import value of gantry cranes was 3.357 m[…]

Gantry cranes are sold to Australia

As a Chinese crane supplier, Dongqi Crane has many years of experience in gantry crane sales and maintenance in Australia. If you need to purchase gantry crane products, we can provide the following c[…]

Gantry crane dijual ke Filipina

The gantry crane has advantages such as stable structure, flexible operation, strong load-bearing capacity, and strong adaptability, making it an ideal equipment for various industrial fields. It can […]

Gantry cranes are sold to Nigeria

Data from China Customs shows that in 2021, Nigeria will import various types of crane equipment from China at US$35.95 million, of which the import value of gantry cranes will be US$19.57 million. Th[…]

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