Home → Gantry crane

Gantry crane banyak digunakan ketika pengangkatan diperlukan tanpa biaya bangunan atau pekerjaan baja pendukung. Derek gantry dapat ditempatkan di dalam atau di luar ruangan, digunakan untuk aktivitas di pekarangan stok baja, pekarangan segmen pra-cetak, lokasi konstruksi, dan aplikasi luar ruangan lainnya.

Dongqi Crane dapat menyediakan rangkaian lengkap derek gantry, yaitu derek gantry lengkap, derek semi-gantry, dan derek gantry portabel, termasuk gelagar tunggal, gelagar ganda, kaki tunggal, kaki ganda, dan gaya kantilever untuk layanan dalam atau luar ruangan. Kapasitas, bentang, ketinggian dapat disesuaikan.

Templat rencana konstruksi khusus untuk gantry crane

As an indispensable piece of equipment in large-scale engineering construction, the formulation of the construction plan for a gantry crane directly impacts the progress and safety of the project. A s[...]

Standar pengoperasian gantry crane kontainer kereta api

In the bustling railway freight yards, rail-mounted gantry cranes (RMGs) dedicated to container handling play a crucial role in the efficient and precise operations of loading, unloading, transferring[...]

Spesifikasi teknis gantry crane kontainer

Container gantry crane technical specifications I. Overview The core purpose of this technical specification is to comprehensively and meticulously detail the technical parameters, design requirements[...]

Pemeriksaan berkala RTG (pemeriksaan pertama) pengaturan dan persyaratan proyek

As a key equipment in port logistics, RTG (Rubber-tired container gantry crane), its safety performance and operating status directly affect the efficiency and safety of the entire logistics chain. In[...]

Derek gantry portabel manual dijual ke Tanzania pada tahun 2024

Portable gantry crane procurement parameters In April 2024, Dongqi Crane manufactured a fully manual portable gantry crane for a Tanzanian customer. The lifting capacity of the portable gantry crane i[...]

Mesin bongkar muat peti kemas: Pengantar peralatan pengangkat peti kemas dan derek

This article is a detailed introduction to specialized machinery for container loading and unloading, mainly including five aspects: container lifting equipment, quay cranes, container gantry cranes, [...]

Rencana pembangunan pemasangan gantry crane 10 ton

As a heavy lifting equipment, the 10 ton gantry crane plays a crucial role in various industrial and construction projects. The installation and construction not only affect the progress of the projec[...]

Pemilihan skema "minyak menjadi listrik" untuk derek gantry ban karet di terminal peti kemas

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection and the transformation of energy structure, the "oil to electricity" conversion of rubber tire gantry cranes in container terminals has become[...]

Konversi dan aplikasi minyak ke listrik pada derek RTG pelabuhan kontainer

Introduction With the continuous development of global trade, the throughput of container ports has been increasing year by year. The importance of rubber tire container gantry crane (RTG) as the main[...]

Gantry crane portabel 10 ton dijual ke Amerika Serikat pada tahun 2024

Portable gantry crane procurement parameters In April 2024, Dongqi Crane manufactured two double-beam portable gantry cranes for an American customer. Both cranes have a lifting capacity of 10 tons. T[...]

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