Home → Gantry crane

Gantry crane banyak digunakan ketika pengangkatan diperlukan tanpa biaya bangunan atau pekerjaan baja pendukung. Derek gantry dapat ditempatkan di dalam atau di luar ruangan, digunakan untuk aktivitas di pekarangan stok baja, pekarangan segmen pra-cetak, lokasi konstruksi, dan aplikasi luar ruangan lainnya.

Dongqi Crane dapat menyediakan rangkaian lengkap derek gantry, yaitu derek gantry lengkap, derek semi-gantry, dan derek gantry portabel, termasuk gelagar tunggal, gelagar ganda, kaki tunggal, kaki ganda, dan gaya kantilever untuk layanan dalam atau luar ruangan. Kapasitas, bentang, ketinggian dapat disesuaikan.

gantry crane 15 ton dijual dari China ke Quezon, Filipina

Today I share an order for a gantry crane from Quezon City, Philippines. The client came from a construction company in Quezon City, Philippines, and wanted to order a 15 ton gantry crane for cargo ha[…]

40 ton of gantry crane sold from China to Saudi Arabia

We recently completed a 40 ton gantry crane project from Saudi Arabia. These cranes will be used in a construction site. In addition to a 40 ton gantry crane, the customer has also customized three 5-[…]

L-leg gantry crane made in China is used in Pakistan steel coil factory

We recently completed a crane order from Lahore, Pakistan, and the customer wanted to customize a 20-ton gantry crane for steel coil handling. After inspecting the customer’s factory, we recomme[…]

Application of 50 ton Double Girder Gantry Crane in the UAE

On March 22, local time, the UAE announced the launch of a new industrial strategy, which intends to increase the manufacturing output value from the current AED 133 billion to AED 300 billion in the […]

5 ton mobile gantry crane sold to Philippine glass factory

Recently completed an order for a gantry crane in the Philippines. The customer is a glass processing factory located in the Philippines. After understanding the customer’s needs, we provided th[…]

Saudi Electricity Company customized 5T gantry crane from China

About Saudi Electricity Company The principle activity of Saudi Electricity Company (“SEC”) is the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity within the Kingdom – the largest[…]

Gantry crane 15 ton dijual dari China ke Filipina

Gantry crane is mainly used for loading and unloading of goods and bulk goods in outdoor freight yard, stockyard. Its metal structure is like a portal frame. Two legs are installed under the bearing m[…]

25 ton single beam gantry crane is sold from China to Australia

Australia is rich in mineral resources and has a high demand for cranes. It has been ten years since Dongqi sold cranes in the Australian market and served more than 100 customers. Recently we receive[…]

Components and working principle of gantry crane

Due to the integration of materials, the role of crane is becoming more and more important. Now, the development trend of crane is high-speed, large-scale, intelligent and automation. Gantry crane is […]

gantry crane portabel 7,5 ton untuk bengkel perawatan mesin di Filipina

What kind of crane does the mechanical maintenance workshop need? Recently, we received a crane order from the Philippine machinery maintenance workshop. The customized crane is a 7.5-ton portable gan[…]

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