Rumah → Gantry crane

Gantry crane banyak digunakan ketika pengangkatan diperlukan tanpa biaya bangunan atau pekerjaan baja pendukung. Derek gantry dapat ditempatkan di dalam atau di luar ruangan, digunakan untuk aktivitas di pekarangan stok baja, pekarangan segmen pra-cetak, lokasi konstruksi, dan aplikasi luar ruangan lainnya.

Dongqi Crane dapat menyediakan rangkaian lengkap derek gantry, yaitu derek gantry lengkap, derek semi-gantry, dan derek gantry portabel, termasuk gelagar tunggal, gelagar ganda, kaki tunggal, kaki ganda, dan gaya kantilever untuk layanan dalam atau luar ruangan. Kapasitas, bentang, ketinggian dapat disesuaikan.

Shipyard gantry crane case

For the better understanding of shipyard gantry crane, the following pictures are presented for you to understand on the manufacturing of the shipyard crane. Welding ensuring crane quality        […]

Features of single girder truss gantry crane

The structure of main girder is triangular truss, which strengthens the whole structure, lightens the weight, and enhances wind resistance. Wind resistance is class 6, non-working wind resistance is 1[…]

Types of truss gantry crane

For different material handling needs, the truss gantry cranes are designed with different configurations. As for truss gantry cranes, there are mainly single girder crane truss and double girder cran[…]

Application of Double Girder Gantry Crane

Double girder gantry crane is usually used to open warehouse or along rail for general material handling and lifting work, such as, freight yard or dock, etc. Advantages of Double Girder Gantry Crane […]

MG Double Girder Gantry Crane

What is Double Girder Gantry Crane Double girder gantry crane is heavy gantry crane with double girders, which is widely used for general purpose. Double girder gantry crane are heavy duty crane, use[…]

Spesifikasi gantry crane portabel

Portable gantry crane is also know as, movable gantry crane, rolling gantry crane,which is small light duty gantry crane for light material handling with the capacity below 7.5 ton. The portable gantr[…]

How to Adjust the adjustable gantry cranes

Adjustable gantry cranes can be adjusted in three ways: height, span and tread. Most adjustable cranes allow height adjustments. Some cranes allow height and span adjustment, while a select group allo[…]

derek gantry 3 arah yang dapat disesuaikan

The 3 way adjustable gantry crane is extremely flexible in configuration and use, which has 3-way adjustment, offers up to 10 tons of capacity and a truly stable A-frame design. The adjustable gantry […]

Up to 10 ton steel adjustable gantry crane

Build flexibility into your operations with these adjustable height steel gantry cranes with capacities up to 10 tons and spans up to 40 feet. The adjustable gantry crane is able to lift and transfer […]

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