
Overhead crane, juga dikenal sebagai bridge crane, adalah salah satu jenis peralatan penanganan material untuk memenuhi persyaratan pengangkatan industri menengah dan berat. Umumnya, derek di atas kepala adalah derek dengan kerekan pengangkat yang berjalan di sepanjang jembatan tebu di antara landasan pacu paralel.

Sebagai pemasok derek Cina yang menyediakan layanan derek kepada dunia, Dongqi dapat menyediakan desain, pembuatan, pemasangan, dan purna jual yang disesuaikan untuk berbagai jenis derek di atas kepala. Menurut strukturnya, dapat dibagi menjadi derek overhead gelagar tunggal dan derek overhead gelagar ganda, dan dapat dibagi menjadi derek overhead biasa, derek overhead tahan ledakan, derek overhead metalurgi, derek overhead ambil, dan derek overhead elektromagnetik menurut kegunaannya.

Persyaratan dasar untuk pengoperasian derek yang aman

As an indispensable equipment in modern industry and construction, the safe operation of cranes is directly related to the safety of personnel and work efficiency at the construction site. In a busy c[…]

Kit derek overhead 5 ton dijual ke Kanada pada tahun 2024

LX type overhead crane procurement parameters In June 2024, Dongqi Crane manufactured an LX type 5-ton overhead crane kit for a Canadian customer. The kit will include all overhead crane accessories e[…]

Petunjuk Pengoperasian dan Perawatan Casting Crane_Volume Listrik

As a core piece of equipment in the heavy industry sector, the stability and safety of the electrical system of a casting crane directly impact production efficiency and operational safety. This elect[…]

4 derek overhead gelagar ganda QDX dijual ke Belanda pada tahun 2024

QDX overhead crane procurement parameters In June 2024, Dongqi Crane signed a contract with a Dutch customer to produce 4 QDX double-beam overhead cranes for it. The order includes 3 overhead cranes w[…]

Derek gantry portabel dijual ke Argentina pada tahun 2024

Portable gantry crane procurement parameters In May 2024, Dongqi Crane received an inquiry request from an old customer in Argentina, who said that he needed to buy a batch of portable gantry cranes a[…]

Derek overhead tipe LH dijual ke Kamboja pada tahun 2024

LH overhead crane procurement parameters In May 2024, Dongqi Crane manufactured 3 LH type overhead cranes for a Cambodian customer. LH type overhead crane is a double beam overhead crane. The order in[…]

Instruksi operasi standar untuk derek overhead kereta api dan derek gantry

Railway overhead cranes and gantry cranes are indispensable large-scale equipment in railway construction and maintenance. Their operating efficiency and safety are directly related to the smooth prog[…]

Derek overhead tipe HD 5 ton dan kerekan listrik Eropa tipe NR 32 ton dijual ke Makedonia pada tahun 2024

HD single girder overhead crane procurement parameters NR European style electric hoist procurement parameters In May 2024, Dongqi Crane manufactured 1 girderless HD type 5-ton overhead crane and 1 NR[…]

Crane KBK dijual ke Spanyol pada tahun 2024

KBK cranes procurement parameters In May 2024, Dongqi Crane produced a batch of KBK crane accessories, including rails and electric trolleys, for an old Spanish customer. At the same time, in order to[…]

Derek perjalanan overhead girder ganda elektromagnetik detail teknis

Electromagnetic Double Girder Overhead Crane Project I. Project Overview Project: The electromagnetic double girder overhead crane, as a highly efficient and flexible material handling equipment, is w[…]

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