HomeGaleri Kasus → CD-type 1-ton electric wire rope hoist and 4 trolleys sold to the United States in 2021

CD-type 1-ton electric wire rope hoist and 4 trolleys sold to the United States in 2021

Electric wire rope procurement parameters

  • Order time: 2021.5.27
  • Kapasitas angkat: 1 ton
  • Tinggi angkat: 4 meter
  • Tegangan kerja: 440v / 50hz / 3p
  • Order content: CD type 1 ton electric wire rope hoist*1 and electric hoist trolley*4
  • Negara pengekspor: Amerika Serikat

This is the 2021 electric hoist order from the US. The customer bought 1 CD type 1 ton electric wire rope hoist and 4 electric hoist trolleys from our crane factory. It took 10 days from placing the order at the factory on May 28 to completing production on June 7, and we shipped the order to the United States on June 17. The photo gallery shows some details of the order in the factory. If you want to know more about electric wire rope hoist and hoist trolley, as well as the latest price of electric wire rope hoist, please hubungi kami.

The characteristics of CD type electric hoist

Product features of CD type electric hoist: light weight, small size, compact structure, many varieties and specifications, stable operation, simple operation and convenient use. They can be used on straight, curved and circular overhead tracks on the same plane, and can also be used on electric single-girder, manual single-girder, bridge, suspension, cantilever, gantry and other cranes with I-beam as the track. CD1 type electric hoist is widely used in factories, warehouses, docks, power stations, lumberyards, etc. It is the most ideal lifting equipment for lifting and transporting items.

Peran troli kerekan listrik

In the daily work of the electric hoist, it can be directly hung on the designated position to realize the lifting or lowering of the goods, and the monorail trolley can also be used to realize the comprehensive movement of the electric hoist from left to right, which brings great convenience to the operation and benefits. It's also beyond your imagination.

Troli monorel memiliki struktur yang kompak dan ukuran pemasangan yang kecil. Jarak antara roda troli monorel mudah disesuaikan, dan dapat digunakan untuk berbagai balok-I. Lebih aman dan lebih andal dalam penggunaan, dan juga nyaman dalam perawatan.

Sebelum menggunakan troli monorel, pilih troli yang sesuai dengan berat muatan dan jenis kerekan listriknya. Sebelum memasang troli monorel, roda dapat disetel secara kasar agar sama dengan lebar balok-I, dan setelah dipasang di bagian luar balok-I, lebarnya disesuaikan sehingga menempel erat pada balok-I. balok.

Melalui kerjasama troli monorel dan kerekan listrik, troli monorel dapat dipindahkan ke posisi bidang yang ditentukan, dan barang dapat diangkat atau diturunkan dengan menarik kerekan listrik, sehingga efisiensi kerja dapat ditingkatkan secara efektif. Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan lebih banyak efek, Anda dapat menggunakan kerekan listrik bersama dengan troli monorel yang ditarik dengan tangan untuk membentuk kerekan listrik gabungan.

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