This is an order for electric hoists sold to the United Arab Emirates in 2022. The customer purchased a CD type electric wire rope hoist with a lifting capacity of 2 tons from our crane factory, with a lifting height of 20 meters and controlled by a remote controller. The order was placed at the factory on June 27th and production was completed on July 19th. On July 20th, the product was packed and the process photos were sent to the customer for confirmation. We will ship our products to the United Arab Emirates on August 2nd. The atlas shows some details of electric wire rope hoists in the factory. If you want to learn more about electric wire rope hoists and the latest prices for 2 tons of electric wire rope hoists, please hubungi kami.
Fitur kerekan listrik tipe CD: ringan, ukuran kecil, struktur kompak, beragam jenis dan spesifikasi, pengoperasian stabil, pengoperasian sederhana, dan penggunaan mudah. Kerekan ini dapat digunakan pada rel atas lurus, lengkung, dan melingkar pada bidang yang sama, atau pada balok tunggal elektrik, balok tunggal manual, jembatan, suspensi, kantilever, gantry, dan derek lainnya dengan balok-I sebagai relnya. Kerekan listrik CD1 banyak digunakan di pabrik, gudang, dermaga, pembangkit listrik, tempat penebangan, dan berbagai keperluan lainnya, dan merupakan peralatan pengangkat yang paling ideal untuk mengangkat dan mengangkut barang.
We are a crane manufacturer located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a electric wire rope hoist, you can leave a message on the website or Email:, beri tahu kami informasi berikut, dan manajer penjualan kami akan menghubungi Anda:
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