RumahBerita → Commonly used bridge crane and gantry crane model representation method

Commonly used bridge crane and gantry crane model representation method

Crane models are used to distinguish different types of cranes. Our editor will share the representation methods of commonly used bridge cranes and gantry cranes to help you understand the representation methods of several commonly used cranes. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Commonly used bridge crane and gantry crane model representation method

1. General bridge crane model representation method:

1 2 -3 4 5

The meaning of each number is as follows:

  1.  Code, see the following table
  2.  Rated lifting capacity , t
  3.  Rentang, m
  4.  Tingkat kerja
  5.  Use: Outdoor Add W, omit indoor.

Note: For the user-selectable elements, such as electromagnetic chuck model, grab size, exact lifting height, cab type and entrance direction, running track model, special working level of the mechanism The requirements, whether to provide refrigeration or heating equipment, etc., should be separately stated in the order contract.

Nomor seri Name       Troli Code
1 Derek jembatan pengait       Single trolley QD
2       Double trolley     QE
3 Derek jembatan ambil       Single trolley     QZ
4 Derek jembatan elektromagnetik       Single trolley     QC
5 Grab hook bridge crane       Single trolley     QN
6 Electromagnetic hook bridge crane       Single trolley     QA
7 Grab electromagnetic bridge crane       Single trolley     QP
8 Three-purpose bridge crane       Single trolley     QS


1. Rated lifting weight 20/5t, span 19.5m, working class A5, indoor hook bridge crane, should be marked as:

crane QD20/5-19.5A5

2. Rated lifting weight 5t, span 16.5m, Working level A6, outdoor three-purpose bridge crane, marked as:

crane QS5-16.5A6

serial number 5~7 name, can also be called dual-purpose bridge crane.

General gantry crane model representation method

2. General gantry crane model representation method:

1 2-3 4

The meanings of the numbers are as follows:

  1.  Code, see the following table
  2.  Rated lifting weight, t
  3.  Rentang, m
  4.  Tingkat kerja

Note: For available The elements selected by the user, such as the electromagnetic chuck model, the size of the grab, the exact lifting height, the type and entrance direction of the cab, the type of the running track, the conductive type of the cart, the special requirements of the working level of the mechanism, whether to provide refrigeration Or heating equipment, etc., should be separately stated in the order contract.

Nomor seri Main beam type Name Troli Codename

Double beam

Hook gantry crane Single trolley
double trolley
2 ME
3 Grab gantry crane

Single trolley

4 Electromagnetic gantry crane MC
5 Grab hook gantry crane MN
6 Grab electromagnetic gantry crane MP
7 Three-purpose gantry crane MS


Nomor seri Main beam type Name Troli Codename

Single main beam

Hook gantry crane Single trolley
double trolley
10 Grab gantry crane

Single trolley

11 Electromagnetic gantry crane MDC
12 Grab hook gantry crane MDN
13 Grab electromagnetic gantry crane MDP
14 Three-purpose gantry crane MDS


1. Rated lifting capacity 20/5t, span 22m, working class A4, single main beam hook gantry crane, should be marked as:

Crane MDG 20/5-22A4

2. Rated lifting capacity 50/10+50/ 101t, span 35m, working class A4, double beam, double trolley hook gantry crane, marked as:

crane ME50/10+50/10-35A4

serial number 5~6, name of 12~13, can also be called dual purpose Gantry crane.

3. Manual beam crane model representation method:

SL 1- 2 3,

where SL stands for product code

  1.  Rated lifting capacity , t
  2.  Rentang, m
  3.  Lifting height, m


lifting capacity 5t, span 10.5m , The manual beam crane with a lifting height of 3m is marked as:

crane SL5-10.5-3

4. Manual bridge crane model representation:

SQ 1-2-3

where SQ represents the product code

  1.  the rated lifting weight, T
  2.  Rentang, m
  3.  Lifting height, m


a manual bridge crane with a lifting weight of 16t, a span of 16.5m, and a lifting height of 12.5m is marked as:

Crane SQ16-16.5-12.5

Model representation method of electric single beam crane

5. Model representation method of electric single beam crane:

1 2-3 4 5

Among them,

  1.  Product code, as follows
  2.  Kapasitas angkat terukur, t
  3.  Rentang, m
  4.  Tingkat kerja
  5.  Manipulation mode: ground D, cab S

Product code:

  1.  The electric hoist trolley runs on the lower flange of the main beam, and the electric hoist is arranged below the main beam. The product code is LD .
  2.  The crane whose electric hoist is installed on the angle trolley, and its product code is LDP.
  3.  The electric hoist trolley runs on the lower flange of the main beam, and the electric hoist is arranged on the side of the main beam. Its product code is LDC.

Marking examples:

1. Rated lifting weight 5t, span 16.5m, working level A5, the LDP crane operated by the driver’s cab is marked as:

Crane LDP5-16.5A5S

2. Rated lifting weight 10t, span 13.5m, working level A5, ground-operated The LDC crane is marked as:

Crane LDC10-13.5A5D

6. The model representation method of electric single beam suspension crane :

1 2-3 4

  1.  Product code
  2.  Rated lifting weight, t
  3.  Rentang, m
  4.  Tingkat kerja

Product code:

  1.  The electric hoist trolley runs on the lower flange of the main girder, and the electric hoist is arranged under the main girder, and its product code is LX.
  2.  The electric hoist trolley runs on the lower flange of the main beam, and the electric hoist is arranged on the side of the main beam. Its product code is LXC.

Marking example:

1. The LX crane with rated lifting capacity of 2t, span of 11m and working class A5 is marked as:

crane LX2-11A5

2. LXC cranes with rated lifting capacity of 5t, span of 9m and working class A4 are marked as:

crane LXC5-9A4

main girder cantilever length (code L, unit, m) should be selected:

0.25 0.5 0.75 1.00

7. Electric hoist bridge crane model Representation method:

LH 1- 2 3 4

LH. Product code

  1.  Rated lifting capacity , t
  2.  Rentang, m
  3.  Tingkat kerja
  4.  Manipulation mode: ground D, K for open cab, and B for closed type.

Examples :

Lifting capacity 5t, span 16.5m, working class A3, the crane operated by closed cab is marked as:

Crane LH5-16.5A3B

8. Manual beam suspension crane model representation method:

SLX 1- 2- 3

SLX represents the product code

  1.  nominal weight, T
  2.  span, m
  3.  lifting height, m

tag example:

lifting 2t, span 9m, 10m lifting height of the crane beam suspension manually marked:

crane SLX2-9-10

Electric hoist gantry crane model representation method

9. Electric hoist gantry crane model representation method:

1 2 – 3 4 5

  1.  Product code
  2.  Rated lifting capacity , t
  3.  Rentang, m
  4.  Tingkat kerja
  5.  Conduction mode; U for slide wire conduction, no indication for cable conduction.

Product code:

  1.  Electric hoist hook gantry crane, code MH
  2.  Electric hoist grab gantry crane , code MHZ
  3.  Electric hoist electromagnetic gantry crane Crane, code-named MHC

marking example:

1. Rated lifting capacity 3.2t, span 14m, working class A5, electric hoist hook gantry crane with cable conduction is marked as:

Crane MH3.2-14A5

2. Rated lifting capacity 10t, The span is 22m, the working level is A5, and the electric hoist electromagnetic gantry crane with slide wire conductive is marked as:

Crane MHC10-22A5U.


Explosion-proof bridge crane

10. Explosion-proof bridge crane model expression method:

QB 1 – 2 3

Among them, QB represents the product code, “Bridge burst “The initials of the two characters in pinyin

  1.  Represents rated lifting capacity , t
  2.  Rentang, m
  3.  Tingkat kerja

Marking example:

lifting capacity 10t, span 22.5m, working level A3 explosion-proof bridge crane is marked as:

crane QB10-22.5A3

11. How to express the model of quenching crane:

YH 1-2 3

Among them, YH is the product code, and the initials of “metallurgy, fire” cross pinyin

  1.  Rated lifting weight, t
  2.  Rentang, m
  3.  Code of rapid descent method, see The following table
Nomor seri Rapid descent control method Lifting weight range
Rapid drop speed
m / mnt
1 Thyristor closed-loop energy consumption braking type 5∽200/5 VK≤2V    j
2 Swing motor type   5∽50/10 2V<VK≤3V    y
3 DC motor type   5∽200/5   VK≤2V    zh


  1.  V in the table refers to the commonly used lifting speed of the crane.
  2.  Under normal circumstances, the thyristor closed-loop energy-consumption braking rapid descent scheme should be selected.
  3.  Other control methods shall be adopted through negotiation between the supplier and the demander.

Marking example:

1. Lifting weight 20/5t, span 22.5m, using thyristor closed-loop energy-consumption braking type fast descending bridge quenching crane marked as:

Crane YH20/5-22.5j

2. Lifting weight 40/10t, span 19.5m, the bridge-type quenching crane that adopts swing motor type rapid descent is marked as:

Crane YH40/10-19.5y

12. The model of the rake crane is represented by:

Y 1 2-3 4 5,

where Y is the product code, ” The pinyin prefix of the word “metallurgy”

  1.  Product code, SMD or SME
  2.  Rated lifting capacity , t
  3.  Code of operation mode, D or S
  4.  Rentang, m
  5.  Working grades

with a slewing mechanism are indicated by “H”, If there is no indication,

working level,

span, m,

rated lifting capacity , t,

model difference, “P” for rigid material rake, “N” for flexible material rake,

mark example:

1. Lifting weight 16t, span 22m, working level A8, the rigid material rake crane with slewing mechanism is marked as:

Crane YP16-22A8H JB5899-91

2. The lifting weight is 8t, the span is 19m, the working level is A6, and the flexible material rake crane without slewing mechanism is marked as :

Crane YN8-19A6 JB5899-91

13. Representation method of hydropower station gantry crane model:

1 2-3 4 5

Numeric meaning:

  1.  Product code, SMD or SME
  2.  Rated lifting capacity , t
  3.  Operation mode code, D or S
  4.  Rentang, m
  5.  Tingkat kerja

Cranes can be divided into lifting points according to the following:

  1.  Single lifting point crane, code SMD,
  2.  Double lifting point crane, code SME,

cranes can be divided according to the operation mode of the cart and trolley :

  1.  One-way crane, code-named D,
  2.  Two-way crane, code-named S,

marking example:

rated lifting capacity of the main hoisting mechanism is 100t, the slewing hoisting mechanism (or auxiliary lifting mechanism) is 20t, and the crane is The one-way type, with a span of 8m, and a working class A2 single-lifting point hydropower station gantry-lost crane is marked as:

Crane SMD100/20-D8A2 and

above are commonly used part of the crane product model expression method.

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