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Single Girder Electric Hoist Overhead Crane Exported to Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikstan

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The export of electric hoist overhead cranes to Central Asian countries is entering the acceleration stage. Shandong Mingdao Crane Co., Ltd. provides overhead cranes with excellent performance for Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. If you need to buy overhead cranes, you can buy the cranes you need Parameters leave me a message, or email me, I will provide you with the best quotation, my email is host@smp-eu.org.

The 5 ton overhead crane is one of the most popular overhead cranes in Central Asia. The price of the LD type Derek overhead girder tunggal 5 ton is about 30,000 RMB. Those who need it can consult me with the parameters.

Derek overhead girder tunggal model LD dicirikan oleh struktur yang lebih masuk akal dan baja berkekuatan lebih tinggi sebagai derek keseluruhan.

Derek overhead girder tunggal lebih umum saat kapasitas angkat kurang dari 20T.

Used together with CD1 model MD1 model electric hoist as a complete set, it is a light duty crane with a capacity 0.5 ton ~ 32ton.

Rentangnya adalah 7,5 m~ 22,5 m. Tugas kerja adalah A3~A5, suhu kerja-25-40º

This product is widely used in steel mills, warehouse,hydropower station,production workshop, production line, materials stocks, equipment assembly etc to lift goods.

Kami memiliki peralatan standar yang komprehensif dan insinyur desain profesional untuk menawarkan solusi terbaik untuk kebutuhan individu.

Produk ini memiliki dua metode operasional, ground (pengontrol independen / pengendali jarak jauh) atau ruang kabin operasional .


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