Crane for sale Columbia

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Crane for sale Columbia

China and Colombia have active economic and trade exchanges, and for Dongqi Crane, the Colombian crane market is what we have always been concerned about. According to Chinese customs data, in 2021, Colombia imported more than two million US dollars of various types of crane equipment from China, including overhead cranes, gantry cranes, electric hoists and other crane products. Dongqi crane can provide Colombian customers with various types of cranes. Types of above crane products. If you have any questions or needs about our products, you can leave a message on the website or tell us by Email:

Top-selling crane types in the Columbia

Kerekan Rantai Manual Kerekan Rantai Manual / Blok Rantai

Manual chain hoist also called chain block, is a kind of hand lifting machinery, with the lifting capacity ranging from 0.5 ton to 100 ton. The chain block is used in factory, mine, building site, dock, shipyard, warehouse, etc.

Derek Overhead Elektromagnetik QC Derek Overhead Elektromagnetik QCQC series double girder electromagnetic overhead crane is a loading and unloading equipment. It is equipped with removable electromagnetic chuck and corresponding operating system for handling and lifting metal objects. The lifting capacity of an electromagnetic overhead crane includes an electromagnetic weight of 5- 32 tons. The working categories of electromagnetic bridge crane are A5 and A6. The magnetic holding time is 10- 30 minutes.
Derek Overhead Girder Tunggal tahan Ledakan LB Derek Overhead Girder Tunggal tahan Ledakan LBThe explosion proof crane is a small single girder overhead crane with light lifting capacity, installed with anti-explosion electric hoist, with all the motors and electrical equipment of the explosion proof crane manufactured in line with international standards and regulations. The lifting capacity of the explosion proof single girder overhead crane is 1 to 20 tons and the working class is A3
Derek Tahan Ledakan Gelagar ganda QB Derek overhead tahan ledakan tipe QBThis QB explosion proof bridge crane work together with a BCD explosion proof electric hoist. The structure equipped with sealed cover,it has strong explosion proof ability.The lift capacity is 5ton-32ton.Span length is 5-40m. Work duty A3-A4,working environment temperature is -25~ 40℃.

Kelas tahan ledakan adalah: Exd II BT4, Exd II CT4.It dapat bekerja di pabrik debu yang mudah terbakar, mudah terbakar, mudah meledak, berat, gudang, halaman, dan tempat korosif lainnya.
European Type Monorail Electric Wire Rope Hoist European-type Electric Wire Rope Hoist
European electric hoist for 1- 80 tons material handling. FEM electric hoist for sale high quality good price, saving your budget for long run! You want it when you know it!
Derek Overhead Troli Ganda QE Derek Overhead Troli Ganda QEDouble trolley overhead crane is a double girder overhead crane equipped with two trolleys, which can work simultaneously or separately. They are mainly used to lift long and big loads or sets of loads with two long distance lifting points. The lifting capacity of the double trolley overhead crane is 5 ton to 400 ton, and the work class is A5 and A6.
Derek jembatan berinsulasi QY Derek jembatan berinsulasi QYInsulation overhead crane is widely used in smelting workshops of electrolytic nonferrous metal, aluminum and magnesium. This insulation overhead crane is constituted by box-type main girder, crane traveling mechanism, trolley and electrical parts.

To prevent the current passing through the lifting mechanism to the crane and threatening the operator’s life, parts of the insulation overhead crane are protected by insulation treatment. Insulation overhead crane work level is heavy duty, so the main lifting is equipped with dual braking in order to ensure safe production.

Columbia Crane Market Research

Jerman ($6.1 million), Spanyol ($3.2 million) and Italia ($2.5 million) were Colombia’s largest crane suppliers by value, together accounting for 60% of total imports. This is followed by the US, Austria, Australia, China and the Inggris, which together account for 33%.

In value terms, Peru ($111,000), the Amerika Serikat ($76,000) and Portugal ($61,000) were the largest markets for Colombian cranes exported globally, together accounting for 82% of total exports.

In 2020, the average import price of cranes was US$35,884 per unit, an increase of 49% over the previous year.

Dongqi’s crane service in the Columbia

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  • Rentang (m):__? (Jarak antara pusat rel)
  • Kecepatan angkat (m / mnt):__? (Tunggal, Ganda, Variabel)
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  • Tegangan industri:__? ( seperti: 380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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