Crane for sale El Salvador

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Crane for sale El Salvador

Data dari Bea Cukai China menunjukkan bahwa El Salvador imported US$278,000 of various crane equipment from China in 2021, including US$89,000 of electric hoists, US$81,000 of manual hoists, and US$28,000 of overhead cranes. East Crane has great confidence in exporting cranes to El Salvador. Dongqi Crane is an excellent crane supplier in China. It owns a variety of crane products. The crane equipment it can provide to El Salvador includes: gantry crane, bridge crane, jib crane, electric hoist, electric hoist and various aksesori derek .

Dongqi Crane has rich experience in overseas crane service and has had some crane cooperation projects in El Salvador. This article will focus on crane products that may be popular in El Salvador. If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can click here to hubungi kami, or you can tell us by Email:

Types of cranes sold in El Salvador

  1.  Overhead crane
    1.  Grab Bucket Overhead Crane
    2.  Derek Overhead Girder Tunggal LD
    3.  Derek Overhead Elektromagnetik QC
    4.  LH Double Girder overhead Crane
    5.  Derek Overhead Girder Ganda QD
    6.  Derek jembatan berinsulasi QY
    7.  Derek Overhead Girder Ganda Eropa
  2.  Gantry crane
    1.  Gantry Crane Girder Tunggal
    2.  Gantry Crane Girder Ganda
    3.  Semi Gantry Crane
    4.  A-frame Portal Crane
    5.  Gantry Crane Portabel
    6.  L Derek Gantry Troli Listrik
  3.  Jib crane
    1.  Derek Jib Portabel / Derek Jib Seluler
    2.  BB Jib Crane bepergian di Dinding
    3.  BZ Pilar Jib Crane
    4.  BX Jib Crane yang Dipasang di Dinding
  4.  Kerekan listrik
    1.  Kerekan Listrik Kecepatan Ganda MD1
    2.  Kerekan Listrik Kecepatan Tunggal CD1
    3.  Kerekan Listrik Eropa
    4.  Kerekan Rantai Listrik
    5.  Kerekan Tali Kawat Listrik Ruang Kepala Rendah
    6.  Kerekan Rantai Manual / Blok Rantai

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    The best selling crane in the El Salvador

    Derek Overhead Hoist Girder Ganda tipe LH

    Derek overhead girder ganda LH

    Derek overhead girder ganda LH

    Derek Overhead Hoist Girder Ganda LH memiliki karakteristik sebagai instruksi yang ringkas, bodi ringan jarak bebas bangunan yang rendah, dan pemuatan roda yang kecil. Ini dapat memaksimalkan ketinggian angkat untuk memanfaatkan bengkel sepenuhnya.Kecepatannya dapat disesuaikan agar perjalanan stabil.

    • Kapasitas:0,5-30 ton / Disesuaikan
    • Rentang:10,5 m~31,5 m sesuai dengan permintaan Anda
    • Tinggi Angkat:3-48m sesuai permintaan Anda
    • Tegangan:380V 50HZ 3P AC
    $1,500.00 - $25,000.00/ set

    Derek Overhead Hoist Girder Ganda tipe QDX

    Derek overhead girder ganda Eropa QDX

    Derek overhead girder ganda Eropa QDX

    QDX European double girder hoist bridge crane mengadopsi konsep desain standar Eropa yang unik, menampilkan ukuran kecil, ringan, dan tekanan roda kecil.

    • Kapasitas angkat: 1t~80t;
    • Rentang derek: 7,5 m~28,5 m;
    • Tinggi angkat: sesuai kebutuhan klien;
    • Tegangan: 380V 50Hz 3Phase.
    $5,600.00 - $100,000.00/ set

    Derek Kerekan Listrik Girder Tunggal tipe HD

    Derek overhead girder tunggal HD memiliki bobot yang ringan, struktur yang ringkas, dan konsumsi energi yang rendah.

    • Kapasitas angkat: 1t~20t;
    • Rentang derek: 7,5 m~28,5 m;
    • kelompok klasifikasi: A3, A4, A5;
    • Lingkungan kerja: -20 derajat~40 derajat.
    $5,000.00 - $10,000.00/ set

    Derek Overhead Hoist Girder Tunggal tipe LDA

    Derek Overhead Girder Tunggal 10 ton LD

    Derek Overhead Girder Tunggal LD

    Derek overhead girder hoist tunggal digunakan dengan kerekan listrik tipe CD1 dan tipe MD1.

    • Kapasitas angkat: 1t-32t.
    • Rentang: 7,5-28,5 m,
    • kelompok klasifikasi: A3-A5,
    • Suhu lingkungan kerja: -25 C C-40°
    $800,00 - $10.000, 00/ set

    Derek Gantry Hoist Girder Tunggal tipe MH

    Gantry Crane girder tunggal MH

    Gantry Crane girder tunggal MH

    Derek Gantry Girder Tunggal dicocokkan dengan kerekan listrik CD1 atau MD1, dan merupakan derek kecil ringan dengan perjalanan rel.

    • Kapasitas angkat: 1t~32t;
    • Rentang derek: 7,5 m~28,5 m;
    • Tinggi angkat: sesuai kebutuhan klien;
    • Tegangan: 380V 50Hz 3Phase
    $4,500.00 - $22,000.00/ set

    Derek Gantry Girder Ganda Tugas Berat

    Derek Gantry Girder Ganda Tugas Berat

    Derek Gantry Girder Ganda Tugas Berat

    Gantry crane jenis ini banyak digunakan dalam pergudangan dan logistik, permesinan presisi, fabrikasi logam, tenaga angin, manufaktur mobil, transportasi kereta api, mesin konstruksi,

    • Kapasitas angkat: 1t~500t;
    • Rentang derek: 7,5 m~28,5 m;
    • Tinggi angkat: sesuai kebutuhan klien;
    • Tegangan: 380V 50Hz 3Phase
    $2,000.00 - $100,000.00/ set

    Crane cases in the El Salvador

    2 tons of electric wire rope hoist sold to El Salvador

    2 ton electric wire rope hoistThis is the 2 tons of electric wire rope hoist sold to El Salvador in 2019. CD type electric hoist features: light weight, small size, compact structure, multiple varieties and specifications, stable operation, simple operation and convenient use. They can be used on straight, curved and circular overhead rails on the same plane, or on electric single beams, manual single beams, bridge, suspension, cantilever, gantry and other cranes with I-beam as the rail. CD1 electric hoist is widely used in factories, warehouses, docks, power stations, logging yards and other occasions, and is the most ideal lifting equipment for lifting and transporting goods.  This is one of the successful cases of Dongqi CD type electric hoist in El Salvador.

    CD type electric hoist parameters

    • Lifting capacity=2t
    • Lifting height=9m
    • 380V 50Hz 3 phase

    CD type 5 tons electric wire rope hoist sold to El Salvador

    5 tons electric wire rope hoistThis is 2 sets of CD type 5 tons electric wire rope hoist sold to El Salvador in 2020. CD type electric hoist features: light weight, small size, compact structure, multiple varieties and specifications, stable operation, simple operation and convenient use. They can be used on straight, curved and circular overhead rails on the same plane, or on electric single beams, manual single beams, bridge, suspension, cantilever, gantry and other cranes with I-beam as the rail. CD1 electric hoist is widely used in factories, warehouses, docks, power stations, logging yards and other occasions, and is the most ideal lifting equipment for lifting and transporting goods.  This is one of the successful cases of Dongqi CD type electric hoist in El Salvador.

    CD type electric hoist parameters

    • Kapasitas angkat: 5 ton
    • Tinggi angkat: 6 meter
    • Tegangan kerja: 380v / 50hz / 3p

    CD type 2-ton electric wire rope hoist sold to El Salvador

    2 ton electric wire rope hoistThis is the CD type 2-ton electric wire rope hoist sold to El Salvador in 2022. CD type electric hoist features: light weight, small size, compact structure, multiple varieties and specifications, stable operation, simple operation and convenient use. They can be used on straight, curved and circular overhead rails on the same plane, or on electric single beams, manual single beams, bridge, suspension, cantilever, gantry and other cranes with I-beam as the rail. CD1 electric hoist is widely used in factories, warehouses, docks, power stations, logging yards and other occasions, and is the most ideal lifting equipment for lifting and transporting goods.  This is one of the successful cases of Dongqi CD type electric hoist in El Salvador.

    CD type electric hoist parameters

    • Kapasitas angkat: 2 ton
    • Tinggi angkat: 15 meter
    • Tegangan kerja: 220v / 60hz / 3p

    MG Derek Gantry Balok Ganda-3D

    Dongqi’s crane service in the El Salvador

    Kami adalah produsen derek yang berlokasi di Cina, menyediakan layanan penyesuaian derek kepada pelanggan derek global. Jika Anda perlu menyesuaikan derek, kami perlu mendapatkan persyaratan derek Anda. Mengambil derek di atas kepala sebagai contoh, kami meminta Anda untuk memberikan parameter produk berikut, Anda dapat meninggalkan pesan di situs web atau Email:, beri tahu kami informasi berikut, dan manajer penjualan kami akan menghubungi Anda:

    • Kapasitas angkat (ton):__?(Kapasitas terukur)
    • Tinggi angkat (m):__? (Tinggi dari pusat pengait ke lantai)
    • Rentang (m):__? (Jarak antara pusat rel)
    • Kecepatan angkat (m / mnt):__? (Tunggal, Ganda, Variabel)
    • Jarak tempuh (m):__? (Panjang rel)
    • Tugas kerja:__? (Berapa jam sehari? Berapa kali dalam satu jam?)
    • Bahan apa yang akan diangkat:__?
    • Tegangan industri:__? ( seperti: 380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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