Sistem derek yang disesuaikan perlu mempertimbangkan banyak faktor secara komprehensif seperti lingkungan kerja, kapasitas dan ukuran beban, ketinggian angkat, keselamatan struktural, stabilitas operasional, persyaratan penyesuaian, dan efektivitas biaya. Komunikasi mendalam dengan produsen profesional atau integrator sistem dapat memastikan bahwa sistem derek yang disesuaikan dapat memenuhi lingkungan kerja dan persyaratan tugas tertentu.
Dongqi Crane is a professional crane manufacturer that can customize crane systems for various complex working conditions. Dongqi Crane today shared a bus factory customizing a complete crane system for a new factory building. By studying cases and controlling details, Dongqi Crane will be more confident in designing crane systems.
The crane supplier’s work will ensure that cranes and hoists can provide comprehensive material handling services for approximately 500,000 square feet of the facility, which manufactures a complete line of heavy-duty transport vehicles. The plant’s manufacturing process starts with small parts and produces vehicles in 29-, 35- and 40-foot lengths with a variety of drive systems. Production relies heavily on cranes and material handling systems of various capacities (up to 10 tonnes).
We started with a clean sheet of paper and had the opportunity to work with architects, engineers, crane professionals and other field experts to create a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility utilizing overhead crane technology designed to serve the material handling needs of the following industries: each specific production process. We had an existing relationship [with CraneTech], but we considered numerous options and conducted site visits and visits to ensure we selected the best crane partner. “
The new facility features 15 individual crane bays ranging in width from 20 to 100 feet and lengths from 100 to 1,150 feet, as well as numerous jib cranes. Crane suppliers offer wire rope hoists with lifting capacities from 1 ton to 10 tons, and electric chain hoists with lifting capacities from 0.25 to 2 tons. These hoists were selected for their reliability, flexibility of options, efficiency and availability of spare parts for future maintenance.
We are working with spreadsheets. As the project neared, we attended multiple meetings to expand the scope to include workstation cranes and fall protection systems. The sheer amount of equipment we needed to supply, combined with the coordination of simultaneous installations, made the project extremely challenging, but also extremely rewarding.
Peralatan penanganan material digunakan dalam siklus produksi harian saat bus bergerak melalui bangunan dari komponen sasis dan bagian yang dilas dibentuk menjadi kendaraan jadi dengan ban dan mesin.
Setelah beberapa waktu beroperasi, penanggung jawab pabrik bus berkata: Sejak pabrik baru memulai produksi, derek telah bekerja dengan baik dan memenuhi harapan kami yang tinggi. Fasilitas produksi kami harus menunjukkan keserbagunaan yang luar biasa karena kami hanya membangun sesuai pesanan dan pelanggan kami dapat meminta apa pun mulai dari satu bus hingga armada yang sama sekali baru; ini adalah lingkungan manufaktur berkualitas tinggi yang menghasilkan produk khusus yang terkenal .
When customizing a complete crane system for a bus factory, the required number of crane products and equipment needs to be determined based on the factory’s production line layout, vehicle size, weight, production process, and material handling needs. The following is a basic analysis framework:
Lini produksi derek:
Derek penanganan material:
Derek untuk pemeliharaan dan inspeksi:
Peralatan bantu:
Singkatnya, menyesuaikan sistem derek lengkap untuk pabrik bus memerlukan pertimbangan berbagai produk derek, dan kuantitasnya bergantung pada faktor-faktor seperti skala pabrik, tata letak jalur produksi, kebutuhan operasional, dan persyaratan keselamatan. Pemilihan dan konfigurasi kuantitas peralatan tertentu memerlukan perencanaan dan desain yang terperinci berdasarkan situasi aktual. Disarankan untuk memiliki komunikasi mendalam dengan produsen derek profesional atau integrator sistem saat merumuskan rencana untuk memastikan rasionalitas dan kelayakan rencana tersebut.
Hubungi spesialis crane kami
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