RumahBerita → Daily maintenance of electric single beam crane

Daily maintenance of electric single beam crane

Electric single beam crane is a kind of light and small lifting equipment. It runs on I-beam rails. It is divided into electric and manual. Heavy objects are hung on it. It is relatively simple and has many applications.

Chinese name Electric single-beam crane Foreign name Electricsinglebeamcrane Subject Mechanical Engineering Field Engineering Technology

Daily maintenance of electric single beam crane

A. The key of the power switch box is managed by a designated person. The electric hoist must be regularly maintained, inspected and lubricated by a dedicated person to avoid accidents.

B. After every 200 hours of use, check the electrical device, control system and hook for cracks or cold deformation.

C. After every 50 hours of use, check the damage of the wire rope drum and the rope guide and the tightening of the support bolts.

D. After one year, the crane should be fully inspected, especially the wearing parts and transmission parts. If they are too worn, they should be replaced immediately.

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