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Electric hoist for sale South Korea

According to Chinese customs data, South Korea imported $9.66 million of electric hoists and $6.31 million of manual hoists from China in 2021. Despite the sharp rise in sea freight rates due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, China and South Korea, as neighbors, still have strong trade exchanges. Various types of lifting equipment help South Korea's social construction and economic development. As a Chinese crane supplier, Dongqi Crane has various types of hoists, which can meet the needs of Korean customers for electric hoists in various application scenarios. If you are in Korea and have any questions or needs for our electric hoists, you can leave a message on the website or tell us by Email: sales010@cranesdq.com

Types of electric hoists imported from Dongqi in the South Korea

Kerekan Listrik Kecepatan Ganda MD1

Md1 Double Speed Electric Hoist

Kerekan listrik kecepatan ganda adalah alat pengangkat berukuran kecil, yang dipasang pada gelagar tunggal, derek jembatan, derek gantry, derek jib untuk penanganan material. Sebagai salah satu peralatan penanganan material yang umum digunakan, the kerekan listrik kecepatan ganda biasanya digunakan di pabrik, pertambangan, kereta api, pelabuhan, dan penyimpanan, dll.

CD1 Kerekan Tali Kawat Listrik Kecepatan Tunggal

Cd1 Single Speed Electric Wire Rope Hoist

Kerekan tali kawat listrik adalah jenis peralatan penanganan material, dipasang pada derek balok tunggal, balok penyangga kurva linier atau dapat digunakan pada mekanisme pengangkatan derek balok ganda, derek gantry, derek linier untuk penanganan material oleh industri dan pertambangan. perusahaan, kereta api, dan gudang, dll. Kapasitas angkat dari kerekan tali kawat listrik kecepatan tunggal adalah 0,5 hingga 32 ton dan kelas pekerja adalah M3 dan M4

Kerekan Listrik Eropa

Kerekan listrik Eropa

Kerekan listrik tali kawat Eropa adalah peralatan penanganan material yang baru dikembangkan dengan teknologi desain canggih sesuai dengan standar FEM dan peraturan lainnya. Serial baru kerekan listrik tali kawat ramah lingkungan, hemat energi, dan hemat biaya yang menempati urutan teratas di antara produk serupa. Kapasitas angkat kerekan listrik tali kawat Eropa adalah 1 hingga 80 ton dan kelas pekerja adalah M5 dan M6. Kerekan listrik tali kawat Eropa yang disesuaikan tersedia.

Kerekan Rantai Listrik

Kerekan Rantai Listrik 15 Ton

Electric chain hoist is a light and small lifting equipment for material handling. Electric chain hoist is mainly consisted of motor, transmission mechanism and chain wheel, etc. Electric chain hoists from DQCRANES have the features of beautiful outlook, solid durability, and international technology, etc. The inside gears of electric chain hoist are hot quenched which increases the wear resistance of the gear and toughness. The lifting capacity of electric chain hoist is 0.5 to 35 ton, and the working class is M3 or M4

Kerekan Tali Kawat Listrik Ruang Kepala Rendah

Kerekan Tali Kawat Listrik Ruang Kepala Rendah

Kerekan listrik dengan ruang kepala rendah diubah dari kerekan listrik CD / MD. Produk ini memiliki karakteristik struktur kompak, pengangkatan tunggal, kecepatan ganda, langkah pengangkatan efektif tinggi, dan pengoperasian yang stabil. Ini memiliki jangkauan aplikasi yang luas, terutama di gedung-gedung pabrik baru. Ketinggian perjalanan dapat mengurangi ketinggian bangunan dan mengurangi biaya konstruksi.

Kerekan Rantai Manual / Blok Rantai

Kerekan Rantai Manual

Kerekan rantai manual / blok rantai adalah salah satu peralatan penanganan material yang paling ekonomis dengan fitur pengoperasian tangan, struktur sederhana, hemat biaya, aplikasi luas, dll. Terlebih lagi, fitur tahan percikan, seperti, baja tahan karat, kait perunggu, rantai, roda, dll tersedia untuk kerekan rantai manual / blok rantai. Kapasitas angkat kerekan rantai manual / blok rantai adalah 0,5 hingga 100 ton

Ce ISO Certifictaes Approved Low Headroom Electric Hoist For Sale South Korea

The body of the electric chain hoist is mounted at an angle, meaning that no return sheave is required. With its headroom reduced by 60 %, the extra short headroom trolley achieves maximum hook paths particularly in extremely low-roof applications.

The Low Headroom type is an Electric Chain Hoist of unique construction with reduced headroom. It's specifically designed to be used in buildings with low ceilings, especially in provisionally constructed building or those in which extended effective lifting height is required.

MD Dual Speed Wire Rope Electric Hoist with Ce ISO Certificates For Sale South Korea

Kerekan listrik tali kawat monorel model CD atau MD adalah sejenis alat pengangkat tugas ringan dengan keunggulan struktur yang rapat, ringan, volume kecil, penggunaan umum yang luas, dan pengoperasian yang mudah, dll.Jika reduksi dengan permukaan roda gigi keras diterapkan,ia akan memiliki masa pakai yang lama dan efisiensi mekanis yang tinggi.

China 3 ton Manual Pulley Chain Hoist For Sale South Korea

The 3 ton manual chain hoists are manufactured from high quality steel offering a lightweight but robust and an exceptionally strong manual hoist at a competitive price.

Heavy duty and compact design to meet all pertinent world standards. Reliable disc brake and premium grade alloy load chain. Drop-forged and expertly heat treated for greater strength and long wearing. Conforms to CE safety standards.

Gantry Crane Using Low Headroom Wire Rope Hoist For Sale South Korea

This Low Headroom Hoist is specially designed for those who has low vertical space in their workshop or warehouse.

Unlike the normal electric hoist, the trolley running motor is paralell to the lift device.

  • Hoist with the same features as per fixed execution
  • Maximum capacity is up to 20.000 Kg,  rope falls 2 and 4
  • The hoist is set-down on the trolley that runs on the lower flange of the beam .
  • Supporting bars with circular cross sections which support the hoist in a set-down position.
  • Counterbalance on the supporting bar in order to balance the eccentric weight of the hoist.

China 500kg Manual Pulley Chain Hoist For Sale South Korea

This 500kg hand chain hoist is also extensively used globally in the Mining & Offshore Oil industry, with special paint finish and unrivalled maximum & minimum ambient operating temperatures being a key feature.

  • Range from 500kg – 35000 kg Swl
  • Twin bar or single bar trolley options
  • Ideal for locations where headroom is limited
  • Extended beam width available
  • Geared and plain trolley versions available
  • Corrosion or Spark Resistant versions available
  • Anti-drop and anti-tilt devices as standard.

Cara menyesuaikan kerekan listrik dari China

Kami adalah produsen derek yang berlokasi di Cina, menyediakan layanan penyesuaian derek kepada pelanggan derek global. Jika Anda ingin menyesuaikan kerekan listrik, Anda dapat meninggalkan pesan di situs web atau Email: sales010@cranesdq.com , beri tahu kami informasi berikut, dan manajer penjualan kami akan menghubungi Anda:

  • Kapasitas angkat, tinggi angkat;
  • Tegangan atau catu daya (kerekan fase tunggal atau 3 fase);
  • Suspensi (kait, troli roda gigi, troli bermotor);
  • Jenis kontrol;
  • Siklus kerja, kecepatan kerekan, kecepatan troli, dan ukuran balok;
  • Aplikasinya, bahan apa yang akan diangkat.

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