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Electric Hoist Gantry Crane Design

Electric Hoist Gantry Crane design details:

Electric Hoist Gantry Crane mainly consists of gantry frame structure, crane traveling mechanism, electric hoists lifting mechanism and electrical control system.

Gantry frame mainly consists of: main beam, ground beam, legs, ladder platform, driver’s cabin and other components.

Hoist Gantry Crane traveling mechanism mainly consists of: running motor, running gear, wheel set and so on. It is also divided into different structural forms- A type, B type and L type depending on different lifting tonnage. The whole crane driving set design with simple structure, low noise, generously appearance, safe and reliable operation, easy installation and maintenance.

Electric Hoist Gantry Crane Electrical Control including three modes: Direct control, string resistance startup and frequency control.

About Electric Hoist Gantry Crane Design

Crane manufacturers Dongqi Group mainly supply overhead cranes, gantry cranes, eot cranes, bridge cranes, electric hoists, bagian derek dan derek industri terkait di Cina.

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