RumahBerita → Factors of unqualified crane equipment inspection

Factors of unqualified crane equipment inspection

Crane is a large-scale mechanical equipment. No matter what model it is, it must undergo strict inspection. However, there are many factors that the crane fails to pass the inspection for many times, mainly including the following points.

1. Incomplete crane equipment information

In the process of crane inspection, the product mark of crane is often different from the provisions of preparation method of crane transportation machinery. According to the regulations of the crane, the working level of the crane is divided into A1-A7 and other levels.

2. Unreasonable crane setting

During the production of the crane, some parts were lost. According to the requirements of crane safety regulations, the crane must have the function of voltage loss protection. It can protect voltage loss by starting button switch and contactor, but it does not start. The tonnage of the crane is usually replaced by an emergency switch when starting. With the passage of time, the emergency switch will be worn, which will affect the response ability of the crane in an emergency and lead to safety accidents.

3. Ignore the installation of crane grounding wire

The safety specification of the crane clearly stipulates that there are no less than two connecting bolts between the cab and the crane itself. In the crane, workers often pay attention to whether the quality of electrical equipment meets the specification and ignore it. Therefore, the personal safety of the driver is often damaged when the crane is working.

4. The crane design is not standardized

In all parts of the crane, the installation of the main line contactor will be ignored by many designers, so it will not leave too much space for the installer to install the main line contactor. The contact points of all operating systems are easy to stick, which will have an adverse impact on the work of the crane.

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