RumahBerita → Fall Protection for Overhead Crane Operators and Service Providers

Fall Protection for Overhead Crane Operators and Service Providers

Fatalities and serious injuries can occur if proper fall protection is not used while servicing or climbing on an overhead crane. These hazards can be reduced by observing fall protection safety measures.

• Identify all potential tripping and fall hazards before work starts.

• Look for fall hazards — unprotected floor openings, walkway hatches, unprotected walkways.

• Inspect fall protection equipment for defects before use.

• Select, wear and use fall protection equipment appropriate for the task.

• Use a man lift whenever possible and secure fall protection equipment to the man lift.

• Secure and stabilize all ladders before climbing.

• Articles that are too large to be carried in pockets or belts shall be lifted and lowered by hand lines.

•Do not stand on the top rung of a ladder.

• Use hand rails when going up and down access ladders.

• Follow all lockout/tagout procedures before performing service on a crane.

• Secure fall protection equipment to the walkway, guard rail, or any other fixed point as appropriate.

•Do not walk on unprotected areas for example on the top of the crane girders or endtrucks.

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