RumahBerita → How to choose the trolley line collector of overhead travelling crane

How to choose the trolley line collector of overhead travelling crane

The conductor line collector is one of the most important parts of power supply for  overhead travelling crane. How to choose a suitable conductor line collector is very important.

The trolley line current collector is mainly composed of boot box, boot piece, tension spring, collector bracket, collector support part and other components. First of all, we can select the application of the current collector through the current of the trolley line. The current collectors are divided into heavy-duty collectors and light-duty collectors. The selection of light-duty collectors or heavy-duty collectors is based on the current of the trolley-line. If the current of the trolley wire is less than or equal to 500A, light-duty collectors can be used; if it is greater than 500A, heavy-duty collectors should be used.

Secondly, when selecting the trolley line current collector, we must consider whether the manufacturer is compatible with the trolley line. Do not choose the current collector at will, otherwise it will affect the normal operation of cranes and traveling vehicles, and it will also cause damage to the trolley line. Big damage. The brush piece on the collector is made of copper-containing carbon base. After purchase, check whether it is consistent with the type of sliding contact wire. Because the collector itself is classified as a consumable, the brush will be worn out after long-term use, so it is necessary to check the wear degree of the brush on the collector regularly and replace it regularly.

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