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How to prevent side pulling on cranes and hoists

Overhead crane and hoists are typically designed to lift objects vertically. Sometimes, however, operators attempt to make a side pull, or use the hoist horizontally to lift an object that is not directly underneath it. Side Pull Prevention is designed to increase both the safety and lifetime of crane components.

Side pulling can cause damage to various hoist parts – the rope drum, rope guide and the rope itself. Additionally, it may place the operator and personnel working near the crane at risk for injury.

“One of the main risks for an operator is load swing, which can damage the load or cause injury to the operator. In extreme cases, there might be a load drop,” A rope that has been worn by side pulls may also snap and lead to a loss in control of the load.

Preventing side pulls could lead to increases in both the safety and the lifetime of the components.

The unfortunate prevalence of side pulling-related accidents and maintenance needs spurred the development of Side Pull Prevention. “Side Pull Prevention is intended to protect the crane from the harmful effects of side pulls; side pulls cause wear to components, so preventing it could lead to increases in both the safety and the lifetime of the components,”

The mechanism is quite simple: When the Side Pull Prevention inclinometer detects the rope angle to be over the set limit, it will prevent hoisting and emit a warning sound and light to indicate the operator is trying to lift outside the set load angles. The operator must then correct the position of the hoist before lifting can continue.

Side Pulling Prevention kit can be installed on existing cranes that meet the limitations. “It’s an easy mountable solution that is designed to improve safety and reduce maintenance costs caused by incorrect crane operations,”

Key advantages

  • Designed to improve safety for both personnel and equipment
  • Intended to reduce overall maintenance costs and increase lifetime of crane components
  • Inexpensive and easy mountable solution for both new and existing cranes

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