HomeSuku cadang dan servis → How to select lifting electromagnet for your crane

How to select lifting electromagnet for your crane

How to select the right lifting electromagnet for your crane? Several technical parameters of your crane and the handling materials need to be confirmed before the selecting of electromagnet.

  1. Crane specifications. The main parameters of your crane needs to be provided, such as, the lifting capacity of crane, etc.
  2. Handling materials specifications. The features of handling materials, taking billet for example, the length, volume, weight, regular temperature, etc.
  3. Control cabinet. Selection the control cabinet: ordinary type, blackout magnetic type, or adjustable magnetic type.
  4. Inverter needed or not? If band-type brake is direct current, inverter is not needed or the inverter may be needed. Consult crane engineer for free now.
  5. Specifications of electromagnets.Specifications and meanings of all kinds of electromagnets

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