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KBK extending cranes

Large overhang – constant or variable

Loads can also be moved beyond the crane runway using overhung and extending cranes from our KBK light crane system. These solutions offer greater room to manoeuvre – and facilitate optimum utilisation of the available space. Our solutions to meet specific requirements include:

  • Overhung cranes which are fitted with crane girders that extend beyond the width of the crane runway
  • Extending cranes that consist of a fixed section and a crane section that can extend in both directions
  • Crane girders that extend up to 2,500 mm beyond the runway span

KBK overhung cranes

  • Efficient utilisation of the workshop (e.g. workshop areas added at a later date can also be served without the need to install an additional crane runway)
  • They can be operated beneath ventilation ducts, radiant heaters and cables

KBK overhung cranes

KBK extending cranes

  • Depending on the design, girders can be extended to one or both sides beyond the width of the crane runway
  • They can also be used for precisely lifting and positioning loads in almost inaccessible areas (e.g. between pillars and columns)

KBK extending cranes

What are the operating conditions of KBK light cranes?

The so-called KBK cranes are compared to those relatively large cranes, because generally speaking, the crane structures we see are very large and seem to be very heavy. Such cranes are used to lift heavy objects or use The environment needs to be open. In order to save space or light objects, KBK flexible cranes have appeared. The frequency of use of this crane in some relatively small construction projects is still very rich. When we buy KBK cranes, there is a running-in period. During the running-in period, there will be some relatively difficult operations. In fact, these difficulties can be ignored during the running-in period. Then we will briefly introduce some basic features of some simple cranes during the running-in period.

1. Fast wear speed

A new machine will have a break-in period in the process of use, large and small, and because the new machine is equipped with some new parts and assembly, it will feel more awkward when it is used. Because the surface is relatively rough, if there is no friction used, because the contact area is relatively small, the pressure on the surface is different, so that some obstacles will be encountered during the operation of the machine , That is, there is some abrasion, such abrasion is very normal, in the process of use, the surface of the part has some uneven places, officially because of continuous use, it is continuously polished, so it is There will be better friction, and it will be easier to strengthen the fusion of the entire part surface. When using KBK cranes, it is very normal if there is some wear and tear, but it cannot be overloaded during this period of time. If there is an overload, it may cause damage to the parts.

2, poor lubrication

Poor lubrication often occurs during the use of KBK cranes, especially during the running-in period. Since the new machines are machines that have just been assembled, the running-in between all parts is very small. It is precisely because of such assembly reasons that sometimes it is difficult to achieve a close cooperation relationship. At this time, it is necessary to use lubricating oil, but the amount of lubricating oil should not be too much. If too much, it will cause a simple crane. If it is too smooth when used, it cannot be used properly. In fact, there is a problem of time coordination during the use of lubricating oil. If the lubricating oil is too much, it will cause a loss of a precision instrument. , If there are related friction problems, it will cause some failures. Therefore, when KBK cranes are used, a certain amount of lubricating oil must be used to avoid poor lubrication. This situation is very unsafe.

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