This is the 2021 order for overhead cranes and jib cranes to the Philippines. The customer purchased 2 sets of LZ grab cranes with a lifting capacity of 5 tons and 2 sets of BZ jib cranes with a lifting capacity of 0.7 tons from our crane factory. The order was placed at the factory on July 2, the production of two sets of LZ 5-ton grab cranes was completed on August 9, and the production of jib cranes was completed on August 26. After the customer paid the final payment, we shipped the product to the Philippines on October 20. The atlas shows part of the order in the factory, if you want to know more information about grab crane and jib crane, and the latest price of grab crane and jib crane, please hubungi kami.
Grab cranes are generally applicable to the lifting and hoisting of general bulk cargo in various factories and mines, and are equipped with special hoisting tools such as grab buckets for special operations. The grab crane is mainly composed of box-type cable bridge, grab car, large truck operating mechanism, driver's cab and electrical equipment automatic control system. The pick-and-place equipment is a grab bucket that can crawl bulk raw materials. The grab crane has an opening and closing mechanism and a lifting mechanism. The grab is suspended on the opening and closing mechanism and the lifting mechanism by four galvanized steel wire ropes. The opening and closing mechanism drives the grab bucket to close and grab raw materials. When the bucket mouth is closed, the hoisting mechanism is started immediately to make the four galvanized steel wire ropes open with an average load.
BZ column-type manual jib crane is a new generation of light-duty hoisting equipment made to adapt to modern production. It is equipped with a highly reliable electric hoist, especially suitable for short-distance, frequent use, and intensive hoisting operations. It has lifting efficiency and energy saving. , save trouble, small footprint, easy to operate and maintain.
Derek jib memiliki keunggulan struktur yang ringkas, pengoperasian yang mudah, pengoperasian dan rotasi mekanisme yang stabil, tidak ada guncangan dan kebisingan. Ini adalah alat pengangkat material yang hemat energi dan efisien. Dibandingkan dengan derek tradisional, derek ini menghemat biaya peralatan dan cocok untuk pembuatan mesin presisi, peralatan listrik kelas atas, produk energi baru, biomedis, jalur produksi berbagai laboratorium, dan pengangkatan berat di tempat-tempat seperti bongkar muat. Kecepatan pengangkatan kerekan kecepatan ganda yang berbeda, troli kecepatan ganda, slewing kecepatan ganda, dan persyaratan khusus lainnya dapat disesuaikan. Ini memiliki keunggulan yang kuat dalam penentuan posisi produk yang tepat, tidak akan menyebabkan kerusakan pada peralatan dan produk, dan menciptakan nilai bagi perusahaan. Derek jib Menurut pengoperasian lengan ayun, dapat dibagi menjadi: tipe putar listrik BZD dan tipe tarik tangan BZ. Apa pun persyaratan yang Anda miliki untuk mengangkat beban, sudut rotasi, panjang dan fungsi boom, kami dapat memberi Anda solusi terbaik, bahkan kami memiliki derek kantilever dengan jib ganda, jib teleskopik, dan sebagainya.
Kami adalah produsen derek yang berlokasi di Cina, menyediakan layanan penyesuaian derek kepada pelanggan derek global. Jika Anda ingin menyesuaikan Derek di Atas Kepala, Anda dapat meninggalkan pesan di situs web atau Email:, beri tahu kami informasi berikut, dan manajer penjualan kami akan menghubungi Anda:
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