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Need More Guidance On The Safe Application Of Overhead Handling Solutions

Encompassing a broad range of solutions for lifting, transporting and positioning loads in manufacturing and distribution facilities, cranes, monorails and hoists come in a wide variety of sizes and load capacities and a nearly endless assortment of customizable configurations. That diversity of possible options can make choosing the right solution for a specific application challenging.

Comprised of the Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA), the Hoist Manufacturers Institute (HMI), and the Monorail Manufacturers Association (MMA), Overhead Alliance members offer a variety of resources—including case studies, free informational downloads, technical papers, online learning resources and Buyer’s Guides—to help in the decision making process. Additionally, the members of these groups represent some of the world’s most experienced companies. Collectively, they have hundreds of years of experience engineering, installing and commissioning overhead lifting systems throughout the world.

  • CMAA traces its roots to the Electric Overhead Crane Institute, known as EOCI, which was founded in 1927 by leading crane manufacturers of that time to promote the standardization of cranes as well as uniform quality and performance. The voluntary association was incorporated as the Crane Manufacturers Association of America, Inc. in 1955. Member companies, representing the industry leaders in the overhead crane industry, serve the Amerika Serikat market from operations based in the United States, Kanada, dan Meksiko.
  • HMI members represent the industry’s leading suppliers of hoisting equipment including hand chain hoists, ratchet lever hoists, trolleys, air chain hoist, air wire rope hoists, electric chain hoists, and electric wire manufacturing and distribution sector.
  • MMA was founded in 1933. Its members produce the majority of patented and enclosed track underhung cranes and monorail systems utilized worldwide.

CMAA, HMI and MMA have networks of both members and dealers who are available to answer questions and provide overhead lifting solutions for facilities anywhere in the world. Don’t hesitate to leverage this resource as you consider the advantages of this technology for your facility and processes.

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