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Overhead Crane Service, Maintenance, and Repairs

Keeping your overhead crane in service and in peak operating condition, should be a top priority for safety, maintenance, or operations personnel at any job site or industrial facility.

Frequent and periodic inspections help:

  • Keep crane and hoist equipment operating at top efficiency
  • Keep the user and other personnel safe
  • Reduce costly down time
  • Extend the life of the equipment

Routine Maintenance

Unfortunately, your overhead crane is going to break down at some point. Just like any other appliance, vehicle, or piece of machinery, an overhead crane requires regular service and maintenance to keep it performing to the best of its abilities. Depending on how often the crane is in use, the operating environment, and how frequently it gets inspected, all contribute to the service life of an overhead crane system.

Just like you need to replace brake pads on your vehicle, or the filters in your furnace, overhead cranes have parts that need to be adjusted, maintained, and replaced at regular intervals.

Investing in a reliable overhead crane and hoist service provider, or an in-house maintenance team, can help keep your crane up and running. But, you should always budget for unexpected repairs and possible production downtime.

Plant managers and maintenance personnel need to establish a preventative maintenance program for their overhead crane based on the recommendations of the crane manufacturer.

Each manufacturer has their own recommended protocol for regular and scheduled maintenance of their equipment, so it’s important to consult with them directly regarding crane operation, application, and maintenance protocols.

Replacement Parts and Repairs

Also, keep in mind that the longer you own your crane system, the more difficult it may become to source replacement parts, or find parts without long lead times.

If your overhead crane is critical to your facility’s production and operations, then you or your crane service provider should have an inventory of critical replacement parts, or a backup plan to move that same material through your facility without the use of a crane.

In some mill applications, a broken-down crane can cost tens of thousands of dollars an hour!

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