RumahBerita → Overhead crane system gives worker health a lift

Overhead crane system gives worker health a lift

Heavy lifting on the production floor always invites back injuries, but when the rate of such maladies nears 30%, there are serious implications for worker morale, not to mention lost productivity and higher insurance rates.

That was the situation facing a manufacturer of plastic products for the pharmaceutical and medical industries. Workers had to team up to grapple heavy 150 to 250 lb rolls of web film into machines four or five times a day. Among the 25 or so workers on these lines, six had experienced back problems in 12 months. Quality control was also an issue because rolls were frequently dropped during lifting and installation.

After considering all of their options the company decided that a system consisting of an overhead crane with hoists and roll handling devices would fit the bill perfectly.

The overhead crane system chosen was a 10 ft. high, free standing bridge crane system, with 160 ft. rails and two 22 ft. bridges. The side rails are steel and have a capacity of 500 lb, while the bridges are aluminum and load-rated to 250 lb.

The company’s productivity has greatly improved because one worker can now do a job that used to take two; and since lifting is no longer a requirement, female and male workers can manage the heavy loads. The lifting operation is simple, easy to learn, practically effortless, and most importantly lessens risks of injury. Product quality has greatly increased because rolls are no longer dropped.

The manufacturer has stated that the greatest impact has been to health and morale. Health problems related to this operation have completely gone away.

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