Pelloby double girder unlocks Canal & River Trust potential

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Pelloby double girder unlocks Canal & River Trust potential

British crane manufacturer Pelloby has supplied a 10t double girder overhead crane to Canal & River Trust to enhance its operational capabilities.

10t double girder overhead crane

The Canal & River Trust has been producing gates for locks for Inggris waterways at their workshop in the West Midlands since 1963.

The team at Bradley Workshop in Bilston uses a series of cranes to lift the wood and other materials used to produce these devices between workstations. Prior to the purchase of the 10t double girder crane, the crane with the highest capacity at the site was a 4t single girder Pelloby system.

When the team required a way to lift heavier loads, the new Pelloby overhead crane was chosen.

Featuring a striking red paint finish, 12m span and running along the workshop’s existing gantry steelwork, the double girder electric overhead crane has a maximum capacity of 10t.

A wire rope crab unit was selected offering dual speeds for a high level of operator control. The long travelling motion also moves at two speeds, with both motions being governed by a pendant handset.

In addition to lifting heavier loads, this crane also offers the Canal & River Trust team the functionality to easily rotate materials so work can be carried out on the underside the wooden lock gates.


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