Semi Gantry Crane is A-type double girder gantry crane or single girder gantry crane which only have one unilateral leg, one side of it is the leg traveling on the ground track, the other side is the end of the bridge girder institution traveling on the bracket track, it saves cost and space of operation plant and open area.
Semi Gantry Crane form three-dimensional work space by hook moving up and down, trolley traveling left and right and crane traveling back and forth, to achieve moving, overturning and other operations for lifting goods.
Struktur mekanik Derek Semi Gantry terutama terdiri dari: rangka jembatan, mekanisme perjalanan derek, bagian troli, dan bagian kelistrikan.
Rangka Jembatan Derek Semi Gantry terutama terdiri dari: balok utama, balok silang atas, balok silang bawah, kaki sepihak, platform tangga, dan komponen lainnya.
Semi Gantry Crane Between the main beam and the transverse end beam using of high strength bolts, simple structure, easy to install, transport and storage. Between the main beam and the two legs which symmetrically arranged on either side of the main beam fastened two flanges by bolts, and make the width between two legs with narrow upper while wide lower, it forms “A”-shaped structure, improving the crane stability.
Kaki Derek Semi Gantry dan balok silang bawah menggunakan sambungan baut.
Semi Gantry Crane traveling mechanism traveling by motor driving the wheel set through reducer.
Struktur mekanisme perjalanan dan pengangkatan troli sama dengan gantry crane tipe-A.
Sistem proteksi kelistrikan termasuk proteksi hubung singkat, proteksi tanpa tegangan, proteksi sakelar pemutus daya darurat, proteksi pembatas beban berlebih, proteksi batas perjalanan, kegagalan fasa, kesalahan fasa, tegangan lebih, proteksi undervoltage, proteksi grounding.
Crane manufacturers Dongqi Group mainly supply overhead cranes, gantry cranes, eot cranes, bridge cranes, electric hoists, bagian derek dan derek industri terkait di Cina.
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