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Praktik inovatif derek gantry ban karet yang disesuaikan di pabrik mobil

With the rapid development of science and technology, intelligent manufacturing has become an important trend in the global manufacturing industry. In the automotive manufacturing industry, customized[…]

Derek overhead girder tunggal tipe LD 2 ton dijual ke Thailand pada tahun 2024

LD type overhead crane procurement parameters In March 2024, Dongqi Crane designed and manufactured a LD type 2-ton single-girder overhead crane for a Thai customer. According to customer requirements[…]

Sistem derek lengkap yang disesuaikan untuk pabrik bus

Customized crane systems need to comprehensively consider many factors such as working environment, load capacity and size, lifting height, structural safety, operational stability, customization requ[…]

Dongqi Crane sells 7 electric hoists to Pakistan’s automotive parts factory

Kami telah memasok 7 jenis kerekan listrik yang berbeda, termasuk kerekan listrik rantai tunggal, kerekan listrik rantai ganda, dan kerekan tali kawat listrik tipe NR, ke pabrik pemrosesan suku cadang otomotif[…]

Some case studies of cranes in the automotive industry

We believe that the study of some cases will improve our experience, and today we analyze several cases of crane application in the automotive industry. We will provide a comprehensive analysis of the[…]

The crane manufacturer built a Goliath crane in a stamping workshop of an automobile manufacturer

Crane manufacturer and lifting equipment specialist DT Engineering NW has built a Goliath crane on top of an overhead electric travelling crane in a car manufacturer’s press shop. The installation e[…]

Industri otomotif

Di antara berbagai industri, perkembangan pesat industri otomotif telah membawa peluang pengembangan baru bagi industri derek. Dalam proses memasok berbagai jenis crane ke[…]

Pelloby has installed two 35t double-girder cranes at a press shop at BMW Group’s Mini plant at Swindon, UK

Pelloby has installed two 35t double-girder cranes at a press shop at BMW Group’s Mini plant at Swindon, UK. The installation represents part of a project to upgrade older lifting system at the plan[…]

Bang Kransysteme delivers a trio of cranes to Lucid Motors

Three high-performance Bang Kransysteme cranes have been commissioned for US electric vehicle company Lucid Motors. By John Bensalhia Based in Casa Grande, Arizona, Lucid Motors selected the German co[…]

100 tons rubber tyred gantry cranes sold to Singapore in 2018

Ini adalah pesanan gantry crane dari Singapura yang kami selesaikan pada tahun 2018. Gantry crane beroda karet ini memiliki kapasitas angkat maksimum 100 ton, bentang 11,5 meter, dan tinggi angkat 6 meter. […]

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