RumahBerita → Top measures to take for avoiding overhead crane accidents

Top measures to take for avoiding overhead crane accidents

There is no big industry in India where cranes are not used. Cranes are big, heavy and are of extreme importance in various industries as they are capable of lifting and moving heavy loads which is impossible for humans otherwise. Not only in private sectors, there are heavy cranes installed on the sites where government projects are carried on. Cranes come in a variety of shapes, sizes and capacities and are used according to the space and the need of the project. Heavier the loads, bigger the cranes. Being the top eot crane manufacturer in China, we have a huge experience in manufacturing overhead cranes.

Since cranes weigh in tons and come under heavy machinery, its usage and installation is prone to accidents. From small accidents to fatal injuries, working with cranes can cost big if basic security measures are neglected. It is not possible to stop accidents that are caused due to natural factors but accidents caused due to human negligence and safety measures can be definitely stopped.

We will discuss some of the measures which could be taken promptly to avoid overhead crane accidents


Falling of heavy loads is one of the biggest and the most common reasons for fatal accidents happening in the work sites. As you very well know that any load that is lifted by a crane, easily weighs around 200 to 300 Kgs or even more, so if it falls on the ground or on a person working underneath, there is no chance that the person will survive. Even if he survives, he will succumb to fatal injuries which can ruin his life forever.

There are many reasons why a heavy load can fall from a crane which must be taken care of very well so that injuries and accidents could be minimised.

Machine must be checked for mechanical failures properly before lifting any heavy loads

If the parts of the crane are not well lubricated, there is a maximum chance that friction will increase between the parts, resulting in breaking or wearing of parts resulting to ultimate failure

Always ensure to raise an alarm or a warning message to the people working on the ground before using a overhead crane so that the ground staff are on alert and safe

Never ever exceed the maximum load limits of the crane

Always make sure that all materials that are to be lifted are arranged properly so that they do not lose balance and fall down


Any machine you think of in this world whether mechanical, manual or electrical, needs proper maintenance to run efficiently. Same goes for cranes as well. There is a considerable amount of maintenance required so that the crane continues to work in the best way possible without causing any accidents. There are certain steps involved in the maintenance of cranes which must be followed time to time. Negligence in doing the periodical steps will surely lead to major accidents resulting in fatal injuries to workers working in the site.

Being the leading eot crane manufacturer in China, we always make all our customers aware of the steps that must be followed for the basic maintenance of cranes. Inspecting the crane properly from the physical as well as mechanical point of view also comes under maintenance and all steps must be followed with proper care and patience. Only after checking everything promptly, the crane must be put to use so that the safety and security is 100% ensured.


One of the major causes of overhead crane accidents is exceeding the limit of the load which the crane is capable of lifting. This is done frequently in many industries to save time, efforts and money. In order to save a small amount of time and money, the lives of innocent workers are put at risk every day. If the crane exceeds the load limit, there is a huge chance that it will collapse in the middle of the work and the whole load will fall to the ground giving fatal injuries to the ground staff. Every crane comes with a load limit and that is clearly mentioned in the manual and that must not be exceeded under any cost.

These were some of the measures which must be taken into consideration if you operate a train at your site or you are a site manager. Remember, better be safe than being sorry later.

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