This is the order of electric hoist from Guyana in 2021. The customer purchased 2 sets of 5-ton electric chain hoist from our crane factory. The order was placed in the factory on December 10 and the production was completed on December 25. We sent the production photo of the product to the customer for confirmation on December 27, and sent the product to Guyana on December 30. This is the customer's second purchase of crane equipment from our company. The atlas shows some details of the 5-ton electric chain hoist in the factory and the packing process. If you want to know more about electric chain hoist and the latest price of 5 tons electric chain hoist, please hubungi kami.
Kerekan rantai listrik adalah alat pengangkat yang ringan dan kecil. Kerekan rantai listrik terdiri dari motor, mekanisme transmisi, dan sproket. Semua kerekan rantai listrik diproduksi sesuai dengan standar internasional, dan semua roda gigi internal dipadamkan pada suhu tinggi, yang meningkatkan ketahanan aus dan ketangguhan roda gigi, dan roda gigi sangat pas.
Kerekan rantai listrik umumnya memiliki kapasitas angkat 0,1-60 ton dan tinggi angkat 3-120 meter. Karakteristik kerekan rantai listrik: struktur kinerja canggih, ukuran kecil, ringan, kinerja andal, pengoperasian yang mudah, jangkauan aplikasi yang luas, Sangat nyaman untuk mengangkat benda berat, pekerjaan bongkar muat, peralatan pemeliharaan, dan mengangkat barang. Itu juga dapat dipasang pada balok-I yang ditangguhkan, rel lengkung, rel pemandu derek jib, dan titik angkat tetap untuk mengangkat benda berat.
Electric chain hoists have a wide range of applications, mainly used in major factories, warehouses, wind power generation, logistics, docks, construction and other industries, for lifting or loading and unloading goods, and can also lift heavy objects to facilitate work or repair large machine. The electric chain hoist is operated by the operator on the ground with buttons, or it can be operated in the control room or wired (wireless) remote control. The electric chain hoist can be used for fixed suspension, and can also be used with electric monorail trolley and hand-push/hand-pulled monorail trolley for walking.
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