Two electronic scales sold to Mexico in 2022

HomeGaleri Kasus → Two electronic scales sold to Mexico in 2022

Two electronic scales sold to Mexico in 2022

Electronic scales procurement parameters

  • Order time: 2022.7.11
  • Order content: 1 ton electronic scales+2 ton electronic scales
  • Negara pengekspor: Meksiko

Ini adalah perintah untuk aksesori derek from Mexico in 2022. The customer purchased one 1-ton electronic scale and one 2-ton electronic scale from our crane factory. The order was placed at the factory on July 12th and sent to Mexico by courier on July 22nd. The scale will be used in a manufacturing factory in Mexico these two days. The atlas shows some details of the electronic scale. If you want to learn more about crane accessories and the latest prices of crane electronic scales, please hubungi kami.

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