U.S. Crane Market Study 2022

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U.S. Crane Market Study 2022

The U.S. crane market fell to $X in 2020, down -X% from the previous year. Overall, consumption continues to show a marked contraction. The fastest growth rate in 2017, the market value increased by X% over the previous year. During the period under review, the market hit an all-time high of $X in 2009; however, from 2010 to 2020, consumption failed to regain momentum.

In value terms, crane production in 2020 fell to X dollars. Overall, there has been a marked decline in production. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2008, when production increased by X% year-on-year. During the period under review, production hit an all-time high of $X in 2009; however, from 2010 to 2020, production has remained low.

U.S.  overhead crane

U.S. crane export scale

In 2020, the number of cranes and mobile cranes exported from the Amerika Serikat decreased to X units, a decrease of -X% compared with 2019. significantly decreased. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2008, when exports increased by X% over the previous year. As a result, exports peaked at X units. From 2009 to 2020, the growth rate of exports remained at a low level.

In value terms, crane exports fell significantly to X dollars in 2020. Overall, exports contracted sharply. The fastest growth was recorded in 2008, with an X% increase over the previous year. During the period under review, exports peaked at $X in 2012; however, from 2013 to 2020, exports failed to regain momentum.

Kanada (X units) was the main destination for US crane exports, accounting for X% of total exports. In addition, more cranes were exported to Canada than to the second major destination, Australia (X units). Meksiko (X units) ranks third in terms of total exports with an X% share.

From 2007 to 2020, the average annual growth rate of freight traffic to Canada was +X%. Exports to other major destinations recorded the following average annual export growth rates: Australia (+X% per annum) and Mexico (-X% per annum).

Canada ($X) remains the leading foreign market for U.S. crane exports by value, accounting for X% of total exports. In second place is Australia ($X) with X% of total exports. It is followed by Mexico with an X% share.

From 2007 to 2020, the average annual growth in value to Canada was -X%. Exports to other major destinations recorded the following average annual export growth rates: Australia (-X% per annum) and Mexico (-X% per annum).

US crane import scale

In 2020, after four years of decline, the supply of cranes and mobile cranes from abroad has grown significantly, with the number increasing by X% to X units. Overall, however, there was a sudden setback in imports. The growth rate was most pronounced in 2014, when imports increased by X% over the previous year. During the period under review, imports reached an all-time high of X units in 2007; however, from 2008 to 2020, imports have remained low.

In terms of value, crane imports dropped significantly to $X in 2020. During the period under review, however, there was a marked increase in imports. The fastest growth was recorded in 2018, with imports increasing by X% year-on-year. During the period under review, imports peaked at $X in 2019 before contracting sharply the following year.

In 2020, China (X units) was the largest supplier of cranes to the US, accounting for X% of total imports. In addition, cranes imported from China were six times higher than the number recorded by the second largest supplier, Polandia (X units). Third in the ranking is Jerman (X units) with an X% share.

From 2007 to 2020, the average annual growth rate of sales from China totaled -X%. The average annual growth rates of imports for the remaining suppliers are as follows: Poland (+X% per annum) and Germany (+X% per annum).

Germany ($X), China ($X) and Jepang ($X) are the largest crane suppliers in the US by value, accounting for X% of total imports. Poland, Italia, Canada, Prancis, Spanyol, Denmark dan Sweden lagged slightly, with the X additional import value growth among the top X major suppliers during the period under review, while purchasing as the other leaders experienced a more moderate pace of growth.

Statistics of various crane suppliers in US

The largest crane suppliers in the US by value are Germany, China and Japan, which together account for 59% of total imports. This is followed by Poland, Italy, Canada, France, Spain, Denmark and Sweden, which together account for 27%.

In value terms, Canada remains the leading foreign market for U.S. crane exports, accounting for 35% of total exports. In second place is Australia, which accounts for 10% of total exports. It is followed by Mexico with a 7.6 percent share.

The average export price of cranes in 2020 was USD 16,382 per unit, down -18.2% from the previous year.

The average import price of cranes in 2020 was USD 51,988 per unit, down -20.6% from the previous year.

Cara menyesuaikan derek dari China

We are a crane manufacturer located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a crane, you can leave a message on the website or Email: [email protected], beri tahu kami informasi berikut, dan manajer penjualan kami akan menghubungi Anda:

  • Kapasitas angkat (ton):__?(Kapasitas terukur)
  • Tinggi angkat (m):__? (Tinggi dari pusat pengait ke lantai)
  • Rentang (m):__? (Jarak antara pusat rel)
  • Kecepatan angkat (m / mnt):__? (Tunggal, Ganda, Variabel)
  • Jarak tempuh (m):__? (Panjang rel)
  • Tugas kerja:__? (Berapa jam sehari? Berapa kali dalam satu jam?)
  • Bahan apa yang akan diangkat:__?
  • Tegangan industri:__? ( seperti: 380V, 50Hz, 3ph )

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