RumahBerita → What Affects the Price of an Overhead Crane?

What Affects the Price of an Overhead Crane?

To make sure that you get the right type of overhead crane for your business, you should be ready to address the following information when you contact an overhead crane manufacturer to bid on your project:

  • The type of crane you need
  • The span you need to cover under the crane, or horizontal distance center-to-center of the runway rails
  • The capacity, or maximum rated load, that you need your crane to lift
  • The estimated height of your crane, or required lift
  • How fast the crane will need to be
  • How often you will use your crane
  • The environment that your crane will be operating in
  • If you need a runway, the length of your bay that the crane will need to traverse
  • Any special building or structural requirements for operation or installation

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