Base distance B, unit: meter (m)
Gantry crane base distance is also called wheelbase, which refers to the distance between the crane or trolley supporting center lines along the longitudinal movement direction of the crane or trolley. The measurement of the base distance B is related to the arrangement of the supporting wheels.
Track gauge is also called wheel gauge. As shown in the figure, for boom cranes other than railway cranes, it is the horizontal distance between the centerline of the track or the centerline of the crane travel wheel tread (or crawler).
For railway cranes, it is the horizontal distance at 16 mm below the inner side of the top surface of the two rail heads of the running line.
For lifting trolleys, it is the horizontal distance between the center lines of the trolley tracks.
When the two sides of the crane are double-track lines, the gauge is the distance between the geometric centerlines of the double-tracks.
The gantry crane’s cart/trolley has a gauge and a base distance. The gauge is the distance between the centers of the two rails carrying wheels, and the base distance is the distance between the centers of the two wheels on the same side.
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