RumahJib crane → What is a BZ Pillar Jib Crane

What is a BZ Pillar Jib Crane

Pillar jib cranes are the optimal lifting equipment for short transfer applications. Dongqi pillar jib cranes can lift and transport materials in semi circles or full circles around their support structures to provide localized material handling in work cells, to supplement a large overhead crane system, to transfer materials from one work cell to another, and to lift a line load up to the rated capacity safely.

Pillar jib crane also called pillar mounted jib crane is a type of freestanding small and medium material handling equipment with the base plate installed on the floor without any support from the building. The lifting capacity of pillar jib crane is 0.5 to 10 tons and the working class is A3. The main specifications of pillar jib crane are presented as follow:

Jenis Produk BZ
Kapasitas Angkat 0.5~10t
Mengangkat Tinggi 3~12m
Kelompok klasifikasi A3
Suhu Sekitar -25~40℃

Pilar Jib Crane

Application of Pillar Jib Crane

Pillar jib crane banyak digunakan di bengkel, gudang, dermaga, pekarangan, penyimpanan dan tempat-tempat lain di mana pilar dapat dipasang. Pillar jib crane menunjukkan keunggulan saat digunakan dalam jarak dekat atau aplikasi yang terburu-buru.Namun, mereka dilarang untuk digunakan dalam aplikasi berbahaya yang mudah terbakar, meledak, dan korosif, dll. Terlebih lagi, pillar jib crane tidak dapat digunakan untuk menangani logam cair, bahan beracun dan mudah terbakar dan meledak, dll.

The general applications scope and conditions of jib crane is as follow:

  • Ambient temperature: -25℃ to + 40 ℃;
  • Humidity ≤85%;
  • Elevation below 1000m;
  • Power is 3-PH, 380V, 50 HZ (The customized is available.)

The jib cranes from DQCRANES are widely used in the following applications:

  • Pillar jib cranes are widely used in workstations, storage, yard and other fixed or localized places, etc.
  • Pillar jib cranes are the choices for material handlings in short-distance or serried places, such as, transferring materials from one work cell to another.
  • Pillar jib cranes can be used to supplement a large overhead crane for material handling.
  • Pillar jib cranes can be used for suspension of tools
  • Pillar jib cranes also can be used for economical outdoor applications.
  • Pillar jib cranes are not allowed to be used in dangerous applications such as inflammable, explosive, and corrosive working environments, etc.

Advantages of Pillar Jib Crane

Pillar jib crane has the advantages of unique structure, high safety, reliability, high working efficiency, energy saving and time saving, flexible operation, etc.

Compact Design

The compact structure design makes pillar jib crane light in dead weight and excellent in work performance, improves space utilization rate and narrows hook operation distance to the maximum intently. The best material handling solution for your applications.

Smooth, Fast Loading, Excellent Performance

Stepless frequency conversion control system is installed to the crane and trolley, which make pillar jib crane brake stably, locate accurately, perform reliably, and travel steadily, position quickly, and solve the problem of swing of loads.

Safer, Reliable, Using Free Maintenance Design

  • Best technology is adopted which makes the frequent operations safe and efficient.
  • Perfect braking systems can largely improves pillar jib crane safety and reliability, equipped with dustproof design, the working life can reach up to 1 million times.
  • Hardened and polished tooth surface ensures the operation of crane smoothly without troubles.

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