RumahBerita → Why do you need to confirm crane duty classification when crane buying?

Why do you need to confirm crane duty classification when crane buying?

To identify the duty classification of the types of overhead crane helps you to buy the most suitable overhead cranes for you application, which will be the most economical solution for your application. The right selection of the crane duty cycle or classification will ensure the durability of the overhead crane and components to withstand the loads and usage requirements. Therefore to buy overhead crane, the crane duty classification have to be confirmed.

Two cranes with different duty classifications but with identical capacity and span may vary in price very largely. For high duty classification requires specialized components, such as, electric hoist, end carriage, electric motors, bearings, and crane controls, etc., whereas, the lower duty classification cranes are more standardized and matched with more economical components and parts, which will lower expense to a large degree.

And also you may have a long term plan, that you may expand your production in the future, in this way, your crane capacity may be higher or the number of lifts per day may be increased. In this way, you may want to spec the crane out so that it can support the needs of your future growth.

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