ホーム例ギャラリー → KBKクレーン、2024年にスペインに売却



  • 注文時間:2024.5.21
  • 吊上能力:1トン
  • 吊り上げ高さ5メートル
  • 使用電圧:400v/50hz/3p
  • 注文内容: KBK クレーン部品 + NR型5トン電気ワイヤロープホイスト
  • 輸出国: スペイン

2024年5月、 Dongqiクレーン は、スペインの古くからの顧客のために、レールや電動トロリーなどのKBKクレーン付属品を一括して製造した。同時に、より重い重量物の吊り上げニーズに対応するため、この顧客は5トンのNRヨーロッパ製電気ワイヤーロープホイストも購入した。この注文は5月23日に工場で生産が開始され、6月12日に完成しました。KBKクレーンに興味がある方、KBKクレーンの最新価格を知りたい方は、下記までご連絡ください。 お問合せ.


In the river of time, each collaboration is another affirmation of quality and trust. In 2024, Dongqi Crane once again joined hands with a long-standing Spanish customer, customizing a batch of KBK crane accessories and an NR-type 5-ton European-style electric wire rope hoist. This marks the sixth collaboration between the two parties, each of which has showcased Dongqi Crane’s professional expertise and exceptional quality in the field of crane equipment.

顧客のニーズ 正確なポジショニングと効率的なオペレーション

This Spanish customer, renowned in the industry, has stringent requirements for crane equipment. They need more than just a crane capable of performing basic lifting tasks; they require equipment that can achieve precise positioning, efficient operations, and possesses high flexibility and reliability. After gaining a deep understanding of the customer’s needs, Dongqi Crane recommended a combination of KBK cranes and NR-type European-style electric wire rope hoists.


KBKクレーン 柔軟性と効率性、スペースの最大活用

KBK cranes, with their unique modular design, maximize space utilization. They can be flexibly assembled and configured according to the customer’s actual needs, whether for linear, curved, or three-dimensional space operations. At the Spanish customer’s production site, the KBK crane successfully achieved precise control over various production line processes, significantly enhancing production efficiency with its outstanding flexibility and efficiency.

ヨーロッパ式電動ホイスト: パワフルで信頼できる



From the initial contact to the current sixth collaboration, Dongqi Crane has always centered on the customer, built on quality, and driven by technology, providing the best crane equipment and services. Each collaboration has deepened our understanding of the customer’s needs and elevated our technology and services in the crane equipment field.

It is this relentless pursuit of quality and sincere service to customers that has earned Dongqi Crane the trust and affirmation of the Spanish customer six times over. In the days to come, we will continue to uphold the corporate spirit of “professionalism, innovation, and service,” offering superior crane equipment and services to more global customers, and jointly writing even more glorious chapters!

結論 手を取り合い、未来を約束する




