ホーム例ギャラリー → HD型5トン天井クレーンとNR型32トン欧州電動ホイスト、2024年にマケドニアに販売



  • オーダー時間:2024.5.24
  • 吊上能力:5トン
  • 吊り上げ高さ8メートル
  • スパン:8メートル
  • 使用電圧:380v/50hz/3p
  • 注文内容:HD 5トン天井クレーン(メインビームなし)
  • 輸出国 北マケドニア共和国

NR 欧州型電動ホイスト調達パラメータ

  • オーダー時間:2024.5.24
  • 吊り上げ能力:32トン
  • 吊り上げ高さ:24メートル
  • 使用電圧:400v/50hz/3p
  • 注文内容 32トンNRヨーロッパ電気ワイヤーロープホイスト
  • 輸出国 北マケドニア共和国

2024年5月、 Dongqiクレーン 北マケドニア共和国の顧客向けに、ガーダレスHD型5トン天井クレーン1基とNR型32トン電気ワイヤロープホイスト1基を納入した。この注文は5月24日に工場で生産を開始し、6月25日に完成しました。お客様との全ての手続き完了後、8月26日に北マケドニア共和国へ出荷しました。天井クレーンキットにご興味のある方、最新価格をお知りになりたい方は、お気軽に下記までお問い合わせください。 お問合せ.



As globalization deepens, Chinese companies are increasingly influential in the international market. Dongqi Crane, as a well-known domestic lifting equipment manufacturer, has always adhered to the principle of “quality first, service first” and is committed to providing customers with high-quality lifting solutions. In May 2024, Dongqi Crane successfully exported 1 HD 5-ton bridge crane kit and 1 32-ton NR European electric wire rope hoist to North Macedonia. This successful case not only demonstrated Dongqi Crane’s technical strength, but also injected new vitality into North Macedonia’s industrial development.


The Republic of North Macedonia, located in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula in Europe, has relatively rich natural resources and a good industrial foundation. In recent years, with the steady growth of the country’s economy and the acceleration of industrialization, the demand for lifting equipment has also increased. The HD 5-ton bridge crane kit and 32-ton NR European electric wire rope hoist purchased this time are mainly used for the production line upgrade and expansion project of a local large manufacturing company. Customers have made strict requirements on the performance, quality, safety and after-sales service of the equipment.



HD 5トンブリッジクレーンキット

  • Maximum lifting capacity: 5 tons, meeting customers’ needs for heavy-load lifting.
  • 最大吊り上げ高さ:最大30メートルで、さまざまな高さの作業環境に適応。
  • スパン範囲: 7.5~31.5メートルで、現場の状況に応じて柔軟に調整できる。
  • 核心部品:PLC制御、エンジン、モーター、ギアなどの高品質部品を使用し、装置の安定性と耐久性を確保する。
  • アフターサービス:スペアパーツの無料配送と専門エンジニアによる海外サービスを提供し、設備の長期安定稼働を保証する。


  • Modular design: easy to install and maintain, reducing customers’ use costs.
  • Intelligent safety monitoring: real-time monitoring of the crane’s operating status, providing safety functions such as overload protection and motor overheating protection to ensure safe operation.
  • 省エネと環境保護:可変周波数位置決め技術を使用し、騒音とエネルギー消費を抑えながら、作業効率を20%以上向上。
  • 高強度素材: 吊り上げ作業の信頼性と安全性を確保するため、大径ドラムと高強度Tクラスフックを使用する。


Under the close cooperation between Dongqi Crane and North Macedonian customers, the two equipments successfully completed various links such as production, testing, packaging and transportation. After the equipment arrived in North Macedonia, Dongqi Crane’s professional engineer team quickly carried out on-site installation and commissioning. After rigorous testing and acceptance, both equipments met the customer’s expected requirements and were successfully put into production.



The successful export of the HD type 5-ton bridge crane kit and the 32-ton NR type European electric wire rope hoist to North Macedonia not only demonstrated Dongqi Crane’s technical strength and service level in the international market, but also laid a solid foundation for the company to further expand the European market. In the future, Dongqi Crane will continue to uphold the principle of “quality first, service first”, constantly innovate and improve its product line, and provide better lifting solutions for global customers. At the same time, the company will also strengthen economic and trade cooperation with North Macedonia and other European countries to jointly promote the development and progress of global industry.




