ホームジブクレーン → Advantages of Wall Mounted Jib Crane



  • 省エネルギー及び省力化
  • 高性能-効率引き上げ重量も楽々
  • スペースの少ない職業
  • 簡単操作とメンテナンス-コストの低さ
  • 丈夫で長任命

2 ton wall mounted jib crane for India

Wall mounted jib cranes are an ideal solution for indoor lifting applications and are capable of efficiently lifting heavy materials, with our range safely lifting loads of up to 4 tonnes. These workstation jib cranes provide distinct advantages over floor mounted (column mounted) jib cranes as they are flexible, efficient, versatile and able to effectively manoeuvre loads around a designated work space without taking up valuable floor space and offers accessibility with maximum lifting capacity, as well as great stability.



