ホーム →ジブクレーン

ジブクレーンに最適な吊上げ設備のための短い移動願います。 Dongqiを提供でき、壁の旅ジブクレーン、ピラジブクレーンや壁に取付けジブクレーン等 Dongqiジブクレーンでのリフトや輸送材料半界全の輪を支持構造物を提供す局所的な材料の取り扱い作業の細胞を補完の大型天井クレーンシステム、材料から作品細胞の他、リフト線負荷の定格容量ます。

Main classification of jib crane

BB Wall-travelling Jib Crane:Lifting capacity: 0.5-10t, Lifting height: 6-30m, Working class: A3.

BZ Pillar Jib Crane:Lifting capacity: 0.5-16t, Lifting height: 1-10m, Working class: A3.

BX Wall Mounted Jib Crane:Lifting capacity: 0.25-10t, Lifting height: 1-10m, Working class: A3.


BZ type jib crane procurement parameters In 2023, we received an inquiry from an Italian customer about a jib crane. This was the first time that the customer purchased lifting equipment from our comp[…]


BZ type jib crane procurement parameters This is a crane order for Spain in 2023. The customer purchased 1 jib crane without electric hoist and a batch of KBK crane accessories from our company. This […]


BZ型ジブクレーン調達のパラメータを携帯用ガントリークレーン調達のパラメータこのため、これまでのクレーンのフィリピン2023. のお買い上げのお客様は、1トンのモバイルジブクレーン、[…]


BX型ジブクレーン調達のパラメータの順に時間:2023.9.18吊上能力:0.5トンアーム長さ4メートル電圧240V/50HZ/3P注文内容:BX型0.5トンのジブクレーン輸出大国キプロス […]




BZ type jib crane procurement parameters This is an order for jib cranes sold to the United Arab Emirates in 2023. The customer has purchased 2 BZ type jib cranes with a lifting capacity of 2 tons fro[…]



BZ type 0.5 ton jib crane sold to Australia in 2023

BZ type jib crane procurement parameters Order time: 2023.5.22 Lifting capacity: 0.5 ton Lifting height: 2 meters Arm length: 4.5 meters Working voltage: 415v/50hz/3p Order content: BZ type 0.5 ton j[…]


BX jib cranes procurement parameters Order time: 2023.2.22 Lifting capacity: 0.75 ton, 1 ton Lifting height: 2.8 meters, 3 meters Arm length: 3 meters, 5 meters Working voltage: 380v/60hz/3p Order con[…]


BZ type jib crane procurement parameters Order time: 2023.1.9 Lifting capacity: 5 ton Lifting height: 6 meters Arm length: 6 meters Working voltage: 380v/50hz/3p Order content: BZ type 5 ton jib cran[…]

