Data statistics of gantry cranes imported from China by Brazil in August 2022

ホームデータ → Data statistics of gantry cranes imported from China by Brazil in August 2022

Data statistics of gantry cranes imported from China by Brazil in August 2022

Statistics on the amount of gantry cranes imported from China by Brazil

According to Chinese customs data, from January 2022 to August 2022, the value of the ガントリークレーン imported from China by ブラジル is 6978 US dollars, a decrease of 3350081 US dollars over the same period of 2021, and a decrease of 99.79% over the same period of 2021

Comparison of the amount of gantry cranes imported from China by Brazil from January to August in 2022 and 2021

Comparison of the amount of gantry cranes imported from China by Brazil from January to August in 2022 and 2021

Comparison of the amount of gantry cranes imported by Brazil in eight months of 2022 and 2021

2021 2022
1 3316890 13
4 6450 4490
6 28653
7 5046 2400
8 20 75
合計 3357059 6978


Statistics on the number of gantry cranes imported from China by Brazil

According to Chinese customs data, from January 2022 to August 2022, Brazil imported 4 sets of gantry cranes from China, 3 sets less than the same period in 2021, and 42.86% less than the same period in 2021

Comparison of the number of gantry cranes imported from China by Brazil from January to August in 2022 and 2021

Comparison of the number of gantry cranes imported from China by Brazil from January to August in 2022 and 2021

Comparison of quantity of gantry cranes imported by Brazil in eight months of 2022 and 2021

2021 2022
1 3 1
4 1 1
6 1
7 1 1
8 1 1
合計 7 4


我々は クレーンメーカー には、中国、提供するクレーンのカスタマイズサービスをグローバルクレーンおります。 カスタマイズする場合はクレーン、メッセージのサイト メール:sales010@cranesdq.com考え、以下の情報は、弊社営業部マネージャーに連絡します:

  • 吊上能力(ton):__?(定格容量)
  • 揚程(m):__? (高さから フック センターは、階)
  • スパン(m):__? (距離レールセンター)
  • 昇降速度(m/min)__? (シングル、デュアル、可変)
  • 走行距離(m):__? (長さのレール)
  • 作業のデューティ__? (どのように多くの時間出入り出来ますか? どのよう多くの時間?)
  • 持ち上げる材料は何ですか: __ ?
  • 産業用電圧:__? (様:380V,50Hz3ph)


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