How to become an Overhead Crane Operator?
To become an overhead crane operator, hand-eye co-ordination is the first rule to follow. Overhead crane is the machine that is used in various processes of different industries that include construction, manufacturing, and packaging industries. The crane is used for moving Rolls, Packaged Boxes, Heavy beams, and even molten metal. These cranes can be operated by remote control if the height is normal or cabin controlled operation can be done depending on the capacity of the crane. When there are special requirements, radio remote is used, but here is a condition- the operator has to be an expert to handle the control process of the crane. An overhead crane operator follows hand-eye co-ordination and judgement for the safe and accurate lifting of materials and heavy objects.
Instructions for Overhead Crane Operator
- Crane Speed- The operator should know that the safe operation of an overhead crane needs an ability to lower and lift loads precisely while controlling the speed of the crane. The operator must be able to read and check grade plans and map out the height, weight and distance of the load the crane is carrying. An error-driven operation can cause cranes to tip and cable to break.
- Keep learning: Overhead crane operators must have a basic understanding of math and physics as well as good depth perception and mechanical aptitude.
- Co-ordination with your team: The operator should have an understanding of better communication with the team for safe crane operation. When an operator finds an obscured view, he must trust and follow radioed instructions or the flag signals of other works to pick or place the load. Crane operators should also have time management skills to move the load with those of other workers.
- On the job training: Whenever you a new site, get familiar with the workers with whom you will be working. It is equally important for other workers to know your crane operating methods. It is recommended to have a mock operation with your whole team at site.
- Get Certified: One can get crane operator training in インド in two ways. Either you can take admission in a university, or a technical college that offers a course in crane operations or one can register with a company that operates overhead crane as a trainee. In such a condition, one will go through an apprenticeship program where you will learn everything practically. A degree includes both practical and theoretical knowledge. This is the best possible way to learn overhead crane operation.
- Acclimate yourself: Crane operators must be able to handle extreme temperatures, gas fumes and noisy environments. They must have calm temperaments and be able to work well under pressure for extended periods of time.
- Be Alert on site: Be aware of electrocution risk of hitting power lines when operating overhead cranes.