2024年2月, Dongqiクレーン フィリピンの顧客向けに、吊り上げ能力2トン、吊り上げ高さ2.5メートル、ジブ長さ3.5メートルの移動式ジブクレーン2台の製造を開始しました。この顧客が東奇クレーンからクレーン機器を購入するのは今回が初めてです。注文は3月5日に工場で生産を開始し、3月29日に組み立てと試運転を開始しました。4月10日に製品をフィリピンに出荷しました。移動式ジブクレーンが必要な場合、または2トンの移動式ジブクレーンの最新価格を知りたい場合は、 お問合せ.
Dongqi Crane’s mobile jib cranes are carefully built for various projects and workshops in the Philippines. They are widely recognized around the world for their excellent performance, high flexibility and high cost performance. This equipment is specially designed for modern factories and is highly adaptable. Whether it is heavy machinery handling or precision component assembly, it can easily handle it and significantly improve production efficiency. We focus on the ease of use and durability of our products and provide a full range of after-sales services to ensure long-lasting and stable operation of the equipment. Choosing Dongqi Crane’s mobile jib crane means choosing an efficient, safe and reliable production solution, helping your factory to stand out in the market competition and create a brilliant future together. For more information, please feel free to contact us.
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