ホーム例ギャラリー → LD型10tシングルガーダー天井クレーンを2024年にインドネシアに販売



2024年3月、 Dongqiクレーン インドネシアのお客様向けにLD型10トンシングルビーム天井クレーンを設計・製作しました。このお客様は当社からクレーン機器を初めて購入され、揚程は5.45メートルです。3月6日に工場で生産を開始し、3月20日に錆取りと塗装を開始し、3月29日に試運転を完了しました。お客様の指示を受けて、4月20日にインドネシアに出荷しました。LD型天井クレーンにご興味がある方、または10トンシングルビーム天井クレーンの最新価格を知りたい方は、 お問合せ.






  • 効率とスピードを向上: The new crane can automatically and intelligently transport materials, making production more efficient and the production cycle shorter.
  • コストを削減: Reduce the use of manpower, reduce material losses during handling, and save energy and maintenance costs.
  • 安全を確保する: Improve the safety factor of material handling, reduce safety accidents, and protect the safety of employees and corporate property.
  • 環境保護と省エネ: Select cranes that meet environmental protection requirements to reduce the impact on the environment.



  • 機器の選択と構成: According to production needs, select LD type 10-ton bridge crane, and equip it with corresponding control system, safety protection device and maintenance facilities.
  • 機器の設置と試運転: Install and commission the crane in accordance with industry specifications to ensure its stable operation.
  • 人材育成と運営: Train operators and maintenance personnel to enable them to operate and maintain the crane proficiently.
  • プロジェクト管理と監督: Develop a detailed project plan, clarify time, quality and cost requirements, and ensure the smooth progress of the project.
  • メンテナンスおよびサービス後: Provide follow-up maintenance and maintenance services for the crane to ensure its long-term stable operation.





  • 顧客ニーズを正確に把握する: In-depth understanding of customers' direct and potential needs is the key to providing valuable products and services.
  • リモート技術サポートの有効性: With the development of science and technology, remote technical support has become an efficient and convenient service method. In the future, we will continue to increase investment in this area.
  • チームワークとコミュニケーション: Teamwork and communication are the key to project success. In the future, we will continue to strengthen team building and improve collaboration and communication capabilities.
  • 継続的な革新と最適化: Continuously explore new technologies and processes to improve the performance and quality of cranes, while focusing on collecting customer feedback and continuously optimizing products and services.




Item/PeriodOriginal Production EfficiencyImproved Production EfficiencyPercentage Increase
Line A - 2024Q150 units/hour65 units/hour+30%
Line B - 2024Q145 units/hour55 units/hour+22.2%
Line A - 2024Q265 units/hour75 units/hour+15.4%
Line B - 2024Q255 units/hour68 units/hour+23.6%
Average Improvement+22.8%


  • Original Production Efficiency refers to the production rate before implementing improvement measures.
  • Improved Production Efficiency reflects the rate after process optimization, equipment upgrades, employee training, and other measures.
  • Percentage Increase indicates the growth in efficiency compared to the original rate.


Cost ItemOriginal Cost (2024Q1)Improved Cost (2024Q2)Savings Amount
Raw Materials142,857.10 USD135,714.30 USD7,142.80 USD
Energy Consumption28,571.40 USD25,714.30 USD2,857.10 USD
Equipment Maintenance21,428.57 USD17,142.86 USD4,285.71 USD
Labor Costs114,285.70 USD111,428.57 USD2,857.13 USD
Total Cost307,142.90 USD290,000.00 USD17,142.90 USD


  • Original Cost represents the cost before implementing cost-saving measures.
  • Improved Cost reflects the cost after supplier negotiations, energy-saving initiatives, maintenance schedule adjustments, workflow improvements, and other measures.
  • Savings Amount is the reduction in cost compared to the original.
  • Savings Percentage indicates the proportion of savings to the original cost, reflecting the effectiveness of cost-saving efforts.


  • Raw material cost savings were primarily achieved through supplier negotiations and optimized procurement strategies.
  • Reduced energy consumption was due to the introduction of more efficient energy management systems and energy-saving equipment.
  • Lower equipment maintenance costs resulted from implementing preventive maintenance schedules, which minimized unexpected failures and repair expenses.
  • Labor cost savings were partially attributed to workflow optimizations and increased automation, reducing manual operation time.

By implementing these improvement measures, the company not only increased production efficiency but also achieved significant cost savings, leading to overall operational efficiency and profitability enhancements.




