Switzerland: Market Analysis of Electric Pulley Blocks and Electric Hoists 2022

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Switzerland: Market Analysis of Electric Pulley Blocks and Electric Hoists 2022

In 2021, after four years of growth, there was significant decline in the Swiss market for pulley tackle and hoists powered by an electric motor, when its value decreased by -X% to $X. Over the period under review, consumption, however, continues to indicate a relatively flat trend pattern. As a result, consumption attained the peak level of $X. From 2014 to 2021, the growth of the market remained at a lower figure.

In value terms, production of pulley tackle and hoists powered by an electric motor rose rapidly to $X in 2021 estimated in export price. In general, production, however, showed a relatively flat trend pattern. The pace of growth appeared the most rapid in 2015 when the production volume increased by X%. Production of peaked at $X in 2013; however, from 2014 to 2021, production failed to regain momentum.

Exports of Pulley Tackle And Hoists Powered By An Electric Motor

In 2021, after a two-year decline, overseas shipments of motor-driven sheave blocks and cranes saw a significant increase, increasing their number by X% to X units. Total exports grew at an average annual rate of +X% between 2012 and 2021; however, the trend pattern suggests that some notable fluctuations were recorded throughout the analysis period. Therefore, exports have peaked and may continue to grow in the short term.

In terms of value, in 2021, exports of electric motor-driven pulley blocks and cranes soared to X dollars. In general, however, exports have decreased significantly. The growth rate was most pronounced in 2017, with exports increasing by X% year-on-year. In 2018, exports peaked at $X; however, from 2019 to 2021, exports failed to regain momentum.

ドイツ (unit X), the 英国 (unit X") and the アラブ首長国連邦 (unit X") were the main export destinations for Swiss electric pulley blocks and cranes, together accounting for X% of total exports. It was followed by フランス, 豪州は、 オランダ, China, イタリア, スペイン, フィンランドは、 米国, Swedenノルウェー, which saw another X increase in freight volumes from 2012 to 2021. Among the major destination countries, the Netherlands saw the most significant growth in freight volumes (+X% CAGR), while other leaders saw more modest growth.

In terms of value, the largest markets for Swiss-exported electric motor-driven pulley blocks and cranes are Germany ($X), the United Kingdom ($X”) and France ($X”), which together account for X% of total exports. Australia, China, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Finland, Sweden, USA, Norway and the United Arab Emirates are slightly behind, plus the Netherlands for X countries with a CAGR of +X%, during the period under review, in key destinations Among the countries, the export value growth rate was the highest, while the shipment growth rate of other leaders was more moderate.

Statistics of various crane suppliers in Switzerland

In value terms, Germany constituted the largest supplier of pulley tackle and hoists powered by an electric motor to スイス, comprising 43% of total imports. The second position in the ranking was held by Finland, with an 18% share of total imports. It was followed by Italy, with a 10% share.

In value terms, the largest markets for pulley tackle and hoists powered by an electric motor exported from Switzerland were Germany, the UK and France, with a combined 40% share of total exports. These countries were followed by Australia, China, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Finland, Sweden, the United States, Norway and the United Arab Emirates, which together accounted for a further 44%.

In 2021, the average export price for pulley tackle and hoists powered by an electric motor amounted to $1,081 per unit, shrinking by -3.9% against the previous year.

The average import price for pulley tackle and hoists powered by an electric motor stood at $1,123 per unit in 2021, which is down by -25.2% against the previous year.


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