Single beam cranes, electric hoists or other equipment general parameter tables will have a working system JC=15%, JC=25%, JC=40%, JC=60%, JC=100%. Many people don’t know what this parameter refers to or what it represents. I will analyze the meaning of these working systems for everyone.
JC refers to the connection duration rate, also known as the mechanism operating time rate. The power-on duration rate is the ratio of the operating time of the mechanism to the total time in a working cycle, namely: JC=operating time/(operating time+stop time)×100%.
Electric hoist JC=25% means that the operation time rate of the electric hoist crane mechanism is 25%, and it works in an intermediate work system.
This working system is not only unique to cranes and electric hoists. Many electrical equipment have this parameter, such as contactors, electromagnets, brakes, etc., as large as lifting platforms and electric flat cars. Used in electric hoists and cranes, it mostly represents the working system of the motor.
Work system control job level:
S3, light JC=15% relative to M4, S3, intermediate JC=25% relative to M5, S3, heavy JC=40% relative to M6, S3, JC=60% relative to M7, S3, JC=100 % Is relative to M8.
JC stands for load rate. This working system parameter means the power-on duration rate. There is a detailed calculation method in the national standard: GB3811. In addition, you can select the reference of the motor according to the working level.
In the “work system and quota” of the international GB755-81 “Basic Technical Requirements for Motors”, the work system of the motor is divided into 8 categories (S1~S8), of which S3 is the intermittent cycle work system, generally based on the continuous power connection rate JC Said.
The power-on duration rate refers to the ratio of the operating time of the mechanism to the total time in a working cycle, namely: JC=operating time/(operating time+stop time)×100%
The power of the motor is calibrated according to the JC value. According to the heating conditions, when the motor works under different JC values, the allowable power is different. If the JC value of the mechanism is high, the allowable power of the motor should be reduced, and vice versa.
The standard JC value and its corresponding work categories are as follows:
It is enough for everyone to understand these. Under normal circumstances, cranes, electric hoists, etc. can meet the normal use needs of enterprises.