What kind of crane is used in pulp and paper industry

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What kind of crane is used in pulp and paper industry

We have recently studied some industry data for paper products mills in the フィリピン, which predicts the future outlook of the paper and paper products market. The study includes historical data from 2018 to 2020 and forecasts to 2026.


As a crane manufacturer from China, we have a keen observation on the changes in the market environment in the Philippines. We know that paper mills have always had strict requirements for cranes. For example, due to the humid working environment, anti-corrosion is the most basic for cranes. Require. For the future of the Philippine paper industry, we not only hope for growth, but also hope to participate more and better in the development of the Philippine paper industry. Here we will give a brief introduction to the cranes used in paper mills, hoping to help you.

製紙業界は、一般的に当社のヨーロッパ製クレーン技術が使用される主な業界の 1 つです。製紙機械のドラムの正確な配置から紙ロールの完全自動保管まで、Dongqi は各顧客にカスタマイズされたソリューションを提供できます。


European crane in paper mill

How to customize Overhead Crane in Philippines

We are a crane manufacturer located in China, providing crane customization services to global crane customers. If you want to customize a Overhead Crane, you can leave a message on the website or email, tell us the following information, and our sales manager will contact you:

  • 吊上能力(ton):__?(定格容量)
  • 揚程(m):__? (高さからフックセンターは、階)
  • スパン(m):__? (距離レールセンター)
  • 昇降速度(m/min)__? (シングル、デュアル、可変)
  • 走行距離(m):__? (長さのレール)
  • 作業のデューティ__? (どのように多くの時間出入り出来ますか? どのよう多くの時間?)
  • 持ち上げる材料は何ですか: __ ?
  • 産業用電圧:__? (様:380V,50Hz3ph)



