Overhead crane driver operation assessment test questions and answers

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Overhead crane driver operation assessment test questions and answers

The staff who operate bridge cranes in enterprises generally need to have a certain understanding of cranes and are very familiar with the operating procedures of bridge cranes before they can operate the cranes. In order to ensure that the driver's theoretical knowledge is qualified, he can test it. The editor found a test paper on various theoretical knowledge of bridge cranes on the Internet, and customers and friends who need it can refer to it. This test question contains knowledge about crane inspection, maintenance, maintenance and operating procedures, including three forms of true or false questions, multiple-choice questions, and essay questions, with the correct answer to each question attached. The test questions are as follows:

Theoretical test of employee technical competition (driver)

Driving an overhead crane

(The full score of this volume is 100 points, and the test time is 60 minutes) Name: Workshop: Score:

1. True or False Questions (Judge the right or wrong of the following questions, and tick "√" in the brackets after the correct question and mark "×" in the brackets after the wrong question. This big question

A total of 10 small questions, each with 2 points, a total of 20 points)

  1.  If the pulley is cracked or the flange is damaged, it must not be used. (√)
  2.  It is strictly forbidden to pull diagonally when lifting . (√)
  3.  The safety device inspection and test should be carried out before crane operation. (√)
  4.  When the hook has no anti-decoupling device, it can continue to be used as long as no one is under the hook. (×)
  5.  When the torsion deformation of the hook exceeds 15°, it shall be scrapped, otherwise, it may not be scrapped if it does not exceed 15°. (×)
  6.  When the hook of the bridge crane is at the lowest point of the working position, the winding of the wire rope on the drum must not be less than 2 laps in addition to the number of turns of the fixed rope tail. (√)
  7.  The general gesture signal for "emergency stop" is: place the two forearms horizontally in front of the chest, extend the five fingers, palm down, and swing horizontally to both sides at the same time. (√)
  8.  The crane must be equipped with an emergency power off switch, which can cut off the power in an emergency. The emergency power off switch should be set on the ground. (×)
  9.  When anyone sends an emergency stop signal, the crane driver must stop immediately. (√)
  10.  The basic criteria for safe operation are stability, accuracy, speed, safety and reasonableness. (√)

2. Multiple choice questions (only one of the options given in each question meets the requirements, fill in the letter before the choice in parentheses after the question. There are 10 small questions in this big question

Questions, 2 points for each question, 20 points in total)

1. Special operations refer to operations that may cause (B) hazards to the safety of the operator, others, and surrounding facilities during the labor process.

A. Mild B. Major C. General

2. Lifting moment refers to the product of amplitude and (B).

A. Maximum lifting weight B. Lifting weight C. Rated lifting weight D. Span

3. The metal structure of the bridge crane is composed of (A), end beams, walking platform, railings, and driver's cab.

A. Main beam B. Outrigger C. Standard section D. Bolt

4. The basic load of the crane is (A)

A. Lifting load B. Seismic load C. Wind load D. Test load

5. The direction of gravity on an object must always be (C).

A. Horizontal direction B. Leftward C. Vertically downward D. Upward

6. The object is in a static state or a state of uniform linear motion indicates the object (B).

A. Unbalanced force B. Balanced force C. No force D. The resultant force is greater than zero

7. When the ends of the wire rope are connected by rope clamps, the distance between the rope clamps should not be less than (C) times the diameter of the wire rope.

A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

8. Movable pulleys only play (B) and load-bearing roles in lifting operations.

A. Change direction B. Save effort C. Variable speed D. Save effort and change direction

9. The function of the outrigger is to form a (B) support between the crane and the supporting surface, and improve the working capacity and stability of the crane.

A. Flexible B. Rigid C. Semi-rigid D. Whole

10. (D) is a safety protection device used to limit the passing range of the mechanism during operation.

A. Rope guide B. Reel C. Anti-collision device D. Stopper

3. Multiple-choice questions (there are two or more correct answers in the options given in each question, fill in the parentheses after the choice of the letter before the choice, answer less or more

No answer is scored. There are 10 small questions in this big question, each with 3 points, a total of 30 points)

1. The work safety obligations of employees in the "Safety Production Law" mainly include: (ABCD).

A. Self-discipline and compliance B. Wear and use labor protection equipment correctly

C. Consciously learn the knowledge of production safety D. Report to the relevant departments in time if the hidden danger of the accident is found

2. The working grade of the crane is determined by (BC).

A. Work type B. Utilization level C. Load status D. Load level

3. The following are the main load-bearing components of the crane metal structure (ABD).

A. Spreader beam B. Main beam C. Railing D. Outrigger

4. Lifting operators include (ABC).

A. Driver B. Driver C. Command D. Designer

4. Commonly used experimental methods to determine the center of gravity of an object are (BC).

A. Geometric method B. Suspension method C. Weighing method D. Comparison method

5. When the hook appears (ABD), etc., it should be scrapped.

A. Crack B. Torsion reaches 10° C. Opening degree reaches 5% of original size D. Plastic deformation of dangerous section

6. All cranes should be equipped with safety protection devices (AB).

A. Lifting weight limiter B. Lifting limit position limiter C. Level gauge D. Amplitude display

7. The test hoisting operation is mainly inspection (AC).

A. The stability of the crane machine B. The flexibility of cargo binding C. The reliability of braking D. The flexibility of work

8. Every crane driver must master (ABCDE) and other basic concepts and simple calculation methods.

A. Area B. Volume C. Density D. Mass E. Gravity

9. The crane hook should be scrapped when the following (ABC) conditions occur.

A. The wear of the dangerous section exceeds 10% of the original height. B. The dangerous section and the hook neck produce plastic deformation

C. The opening degree is increased by 15% compared to the original size D. The bearing is damaged

10. The selection of wires and cables for cranes should meet the following conditions (AB).

A. The withstand voltage is greater than the rated working voltage B. Multi-strand copper core wire is used C. The voltage loss should be less than 3% D. The cross-sectional area of the wire should not be less than 10 square millimeters

4. Short answer questions (answer the following questions based on understanding. There are 3 small questions in this big question, each with 10 points, a total of 30 points)

1. What does the “ ten non-hanging ” lifting operations specifically refer to?


  1.  Do not lift the over-rated load;
  2.  The command signal is unknown, the weight is unknown, and the light is dim.
  3.  The slings and accessories are not tied tightly and do not meet the safety requirements.
  4.  The crane hung heavy objects directly for processing without lifting;
  5.  Slanted pull and oblique hanging without hanging;
  6.  People standing on the workpiece or live objects floating on the workpiece do not hang;
  7.  Do not hang explosive items such as oxygen cylinders and acetylene generators;
  8.  Objects with edges and edges that are not well padded (to prevent the wire rope from being worn or cut) should not be hung;
  9.  Objects buried in the ground shall not be lifted and hung;
  10.  Do not hang when commanding in violation of regulations.

2. Explain what are the types of accidents involving lifting operations? What is the cause of the lifting accident?

Answer: The forms of injury accidents from lifting operations are:

  1.  A heavy object falls;
  2.  Crane instability and tipping;
  3.  Squeeze;
  4.  Falling from high places;
  5.  Electric shock.

Causes of lifting accidents:

  1.  The unsafe state of the crane;
  2.  Human unsafe behavior;
  3.  Environmental factors;
  4.  Defects in safety and health management.

3. What are the primary maintenance contents of bridge cranes ? What are the basic requirements for bridge crane operation?

Answer: The first-level long-term maintenance of the bridge crane includes:

  1.  Clean the appearance, so that there is no dust, no yellow robe;
  2.  Check whether the transmission bearing seat, gear box, coupling, shaft and key are loose and fastened;
  3.  Check the brake and brake wheel clearance to be uniform, flexible and reliable;
  4.  Check whether the wire rope, hook and pulley are safe and reliable;
  5.  Check and replace the lubricating grease;
  6.  Check whether each limit switch is sensitive and reliable;
  7.  Check and clean the electrical box;
  8.  Check whether the motor, electric bell, and conductive frame are safe and reliable.

The basic requirements of bridge crane operation are: stable, accurate, fast, safe and reasonable.

The staff who operate the bridge crane must not only pass the theoretical knowledge, but also accumulate more experience in the actual operation, so as to improve the operation efficiency and reduce the operation errors. Efficiently complete the production needs of the enterprise.

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