Pintsch Bubenzer takes its foot off the brakes as it accelerates its business empire.

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Pintsch Bubenzer takes its foot off the brakes as it accelerates its business empire.

Pintsch Bubenzer takes its foot off the brakes as it accelerates its business empire.

Dellner Brakes, part of Pintsch Bubenzer, has relaunched as Dellner Bubenzer and rebranded the company image with a new logo and website. The announcement means Dellner Brakes JHS, Dellner Brakes, Dellner Industrial, Pintsch Bubenzer and Rima are operating as one company, reinforcing its worldwide scope with a local focus.

Pintsch Bubenzer takes its foot off the brakes as it accelerates its business empire.

Sweden’s Dellner Group, Dellner Brakes, was a subsidiary acquired by German industrial braking manufacturer Pintsch Bubenzer in January 2018, in a deal that paved the way for the companies’ ongoing global expansion.

Pintsch Bubenzer makes high performance disc and drum brakes for cranes and other severe duty applications, as well as complementary products, such as emergency and storm brakes. Four months earlier, Dellner Brakes had acquired US brake and clutch company Gummi USA.

Momentum continued two years ago when Dellner Brakes, incorporating Italy’s Rima, bought German brake specialist JHS Jungblut in a move that immediately strengthened the company’s offering in the wind energy market, and enabled further global expansion, notably in the Far East.

“Much of our community has followed the journey of the Pintsch Bubenzer brand – Pintsch Bamag and Bubenzer Bremsen are steeped in history and eventually became the Pintsch Bubenzer business that Dellner acquired. It’s really been a journey that started generations ago and has found its way to this landmark moment,” said Joel Cox, president, Dellner Bubenzer USA.

The new-look Dellner Bubenzer was unveiled on Day One of the AIST (Association for Iron & Steel Technology) exposition (June 28 to July 1) in Nashville, US, where its logo, brand colors and values were visible for the first time.

The green-colored ‘DB’ logo is a tribute to the ‘D’ from Dellner and the previous branding, and the legacy ‘B’ from Bubenzer. They form together with a disc outline, since caliper brakes are core to the business. The logo has already been integrated into brake castings.

Cox was part of a global leadership trio that executed the entire brand overhaul, including Friederike Imhäuser, marketing manager, of Germany; and Edgar Roca, vice president of Dellner Brakes, of Texas. Governale Group, of Houston, Texas, provided branding expertise, having emerged as the chosen partner from a three-strong, worldwide shortlist. The team started planning at the beginning of the year and was shooting for an April to July launch, which was delivered on time.

“Our founding brakes (from Gerhard Bubenzer) were a shade of green many years before the famous red color, but the new look represents progression away from the legacy color to a bright, vibrant green that has been established and locked in; we plan to protect it for many years to come. Of course, to match, an interactive and easier-to-navigate website captures the new, global brand family,” added Cox.

The company has also overhauled its data sheets, catalogs, graphics and image libraries to complement the rebrand.

Dellner Bubenzer will deliver a presentation to the AIST Crane Symposium, this month (August 15-17) at the Omni William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where Cox and Mike Astemborski, executive sales manager, will deliver a paper entitled, ‘Lifting or lowering a load safely after failure or incident’.

The symposium, organized by AIST’s Cranes Technology Committee, delivers practical information and experiences from maintenance personnel, crane manufacturers, equipment manufacturers and engineering consultants with the sole intention of making Electric Overhead Traveling (EOT) cranes and their runways the safest, most reliable, durable machines in the steel industry.

In an open letter to its customers announcing the launch, Marcus Aberg, CEO, Kai Koelker, COO, and Jan-Willem Schoneveld, CCO, Dellner Bubenzer, said in a statement; ‘We are not changing who we are or how we produce, develop and serve you. We are simply coming together, stronger and united as one.

‘Our fresh new look embodies this unification with a new bold colour scheme that symbolizes safety, innovation and our vision for the future. This joining of multinational forces provides our customers an expansive global network of integrated products and services. Our alignment reinforces our worldwide scope with a local focus. By committing additional global resources to markets big and small we are stronger.’

Speaking exclusively to Hoist magazine, Cox said: “We really wanted to combine the five companies to gain a larger reach around the globe using our offices and strength in numbers.

“Dellner Bubenzer has moved forward with connecting the Americas like we have never done before. Our service channel has grown, providing help not only on commissioning but vital trainings for our clients. We really have a worldwide scope with a local focus now.

“We have expanded our core markets, Hoist & Cranes is very much a growth market for us and we love this business sector since it so closely relates to our legacy port and container handling market. Now that the innovation and products in our Dellner Bubenzer team allows us to show new ideas in the market. This will be a main focus for me to convey while at this year’s AIST Crane Symposium showing technology that was used in other industries that can be easily modified to purpose a missing link to the overhead crane industry.”

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